My mom has osetoporosis and alot of women in her family do also

I had WLS over a year ago and I haven't been taking my calcium like I should because I developed kidney stones about 5 months after i started taken the calcuim and it was very painful. My surgeon reduced me to 1500 mg a day of calcuim after that but I just always forget and I was wondering if anyone thinks it would be too early to request a bone density scan when I go to see my new docotr on Thursday or am I just worrying for nothing?    — KittyKatt (posted on November 30, 2004)

November 30, 2004
No, it's not too soon. PRE-OP is not too soon! Calcium carbonate can cause oxalate kidney stones (not uric acid ones), but calcium citrate does not cause them and it can help reduce the chances of oxalate stones. When you do labs, do they check parathyroid and vit D, as well?
   — vitalady

December 1, 2004
Jeane, you should have had a bone scan as a pre-op to use as a baseline for the follow on bone scans. I urge all gastric bypass patients to get one done before surgery. I had my first at 5 mo post-op, wish I had gotten it sooner. And I have had one every year since. Insist that your PCP refer you for a dexascan every year, especially if you have a family history. Its the only way we post-ops can know for sure how our bones are absorbing the calcium supplements we take. The blood test levels of calcium are not a good indicator. If your dexascan shows the onset of osteoporosis, you can increase your far as taking your calcium, please make a better effort to remember. Place your calcium somewhere where you have no choice but to see it, for instance next to your toothpaste so that everytime you brush your teeth, there it is. Or in my case, its front and center on my desk at work..
   — Cindy R.

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