What was/is the best way to start changing your eating habits?

   — Tonya P. (posted on October 3, 2005)

October 3, 2005
I think the best way to start a change of any kind is did NIKE say it ....Just Do It!!! Clean out the cupboards and restock with legal foods and There you go. Get rid of the bad foods so you can not make bad choices. That is just my 2 cents
   — shellyp

October 6, 2005
I would agree with the first answer and I would like to recommend that you take a look at other habits that might get you off track. Do you go out to eat with friends regularly - try playing cards or walking instead. Be conscious of your mindless snacking times (late at night, right after work, in front of the TV) and try to modify those habits. Have fun experimenting with recipes that are lower in fat and carbs. And I think most importantly, be easy on yourself if you do slip up. Learn from it and move on. Best wishes!
   — Yolanda J.

October 6, 2005
Have to also say "Just do it"! You can!
   — Karen Renee

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