I am curious as to what other people have told their employers about their surgery...

I have been lying to my boss and co-workers about why I have been taking off of work because I don't want anyone to know I am having surgery. Am I the only chicken or are there others out there?...and if I may ask...what reason did you give? I am considering not letting them know anything and just having to have an "emergency gall bladder surgery" on the day of my that bad??????????????    — SherP (posted on September 8, 1999)

September 8, 1999
I told my employer that I was having my gall bladder out. It's the truth, I am as well as the WLS. Funny thing, they asked me what I was going to do about the absence of bile. So I told them "Oh it's going to be OK because I'll be having a stomach reduction as well and won't need as much." Although that's sort of back wards, it works for me :o)
   — Fran W.

September 8, 1999
I have told my boss and co-workers all about it. They all just want me to do what is best for my healthe And after all that is why you are going to do this is for you not them better to tell the truth I am sure you know if you tell one lie you will have to tell Two. You shoud be very happy for yourself and try not to worry about wat others are thinking. Be postive and it will all be postive
   — michele K.

September 8, 1999
I simply told my employer that I was going to have major surgery, period. I didn't feel comfortable explaining to him what I was going to do. He asked me if everything was ok, and I told him yes, and things would be much better afterwards! I did tell some of my coworkers what I was going to have done, and of course they didn't keep it quiet like I asked them to. But, I am sure it was only a matter of time before they figured it out once they started to see the weight come off.
   — Tammy S.

September 8, 1999
Hi, I considered not telling my boss or co-workers. As a matter of fact, I was going to tell them the same thing you are thinking about. I finally decided to just tell them the truth so that when I started loosing weight, they wouldn't think I had cancer or something. Plus alot of others on this link said that they received alot of support and understanding and help by having their immediate co-workers know. I wasn't going to tell initially because in all honesty I was embarrassed to admit I couldn't loose weight in a way that others think is easy for everyone. What really changed my mind was after I went to a support group meeting. They made me realize that I had nothing to be ashamed about and that I should feel good about doing something that will give me a longer and healthy life. You need to do whatever you are comfortable with, but I bet you will be surprised at how well your co-workers will take the news. I was very surprised at the response from mine. My insurance company has approved my surgery, so now I see the nutritionist and go from there. Good luck to you. Janice
   — Janice M.

September 8, 1999
Hi, Sher--I guess I don't understand why you'd consider lying to your co-workers. I think you'd be proud of your courage in taking such a step. I let everyone know and now (8 weeks postop), I have a wonderful "cheering section" at work. Good luck to you==
   — charlene M.

September 8, 1999
I have been pondering the same thing...I am a tad ashamed to say that I too feel people will think this is so drastic and why can't I do it like " normal " people... I feel this stems from the crap we deal with with is difficult to step aside..I have decided to explain my real reason for even looking into this surgery...I am on so much insulin and since an RnY will affect carbohydrate absorption, thus I require LESS insulin , it is the thing to do. I see this surgery, though highly invasive and difficult, as a TOOL..a tool that will help me to start making the right give me the extra steps I need to move on and live a better quality of life....I don't think it will solve my problems....but it will leave me better capable of living...a life I love and adore. Do I need to express more confidence in the face of others ( concerning the surgery )..YES.. and every day, when I find yet another reason to just do it, I find a bit more strength. We need to cherish proud of the is the biggest step to recovery from obesity we can make...admitting the need and embracing the possibilities...Good Luck and Be Well..
   — Jackie S.

September 8, 1999
Hi Sher: I told everyone I work with that I was having WLS, but I work in a hospital and it was very acceptable. I suggest you do what you feel the most comfortable with. I have lost 159# in 16 mo. and am doing great. Hope you will have the same great experience that I have had. Good Luck and God Bless, Jan Terry
   — Jan T.

September 8, 1999
I told my employer exactly what I was doing and why. But I was actually about the 8th person in our company to have the surgery so it wasn't like they had never heard of it or seen the results before.
   — dboat

September 8, 1999
Sher ... it will come out eventually, be careful and think about the consequences. I do not know what size company you work for, but wouldn't it be better to tell them the truth. Lets be realistic ... they know your overweight, they are going to notice that your dropping weight rapidly and will probably be concerned ... then what? More lies, to cover up the first ones? Empower yourself ... tell them the truth and be proud of it. You have discovered a tool that will allow you to lead a better, more productive, happier life and your grabbing hold of it. Frankly, to hell with what others think (of course it matters what spouses & children think and you need to be very gentle with their feelings & concerns). Do you have a Human Resources Dept ? maybe you should talk with them. Good Luck!
   — Mary Anne M.

September 8, 1999
Well since emergency gall bladder surgery can still put you back to work in two to three days, yes, that could be bad. All your employer needs to know is that you're have to have surgery, and how long you'll be out. It's not good to lie about it at all. It's illegal for a business to fire you if you have to have surgery and be out, your boss can elect not to pay you for any time you need that isn't covered by sick and vacation time, but they cannot fire you. They can however fire you if they find out you lied to them.
   — Sherrie G.

September 9, 1999
I have told mt employer everything. They are very supportive. I had considered not telling but with the drastic weight loss I was afraid they might think I had something terrible. In reality it is something wonderful.
   — David M.

September 9, 1999
It really is no ones business. I just told everyone I was having some hernia's fixed. Which was true since those hernias helped pay for my surgery. Some of my kids understood while my special needs daughter was just told I was having the hernia's fixed. She was even at the hospital with me. She lives in her own little world even though she is very high functioning. My husband told his mother. I wasn't going to tell her anything. She was giving me advice on losing weight when she just thought I was losing because of the hernia operation. After my husband told her about the wls her response was "can you make it stop?" See why I did not tell her.
   — Vicki Z.

September 10, 1999
Only if it is a lie and you did not have your gallbladder taken out. This could come back and bite you if they need to take your gallbladder out sometime after surgery. Just let your supervisor know the truth and everyone else you can tell the you are having surgery and if they want to know what kind you can always tell them its personal and they will come to their own conclusions. Also if you don't want everyone to know make sure you tell your supervisor this also. Good luck
   — bperrin

September 16, 1999
That is what most people say. The GB excuse is usually the best because it explains the incision and recovery time. By the way, if you are having VBG, there is a support group in Houston that meets every first Sunday of the month.
   — Donna D.

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