Has anyone heard of any long-term affects of the bypassed stomach after RNY?

I have read there is concern about lack of easy diagnostic access to the defunctional stomach. They say that retrograde endoscopy to the area of the Roux-Y limb is difficult. I have also heard reports of intestinal metaplasia and reports of malignancy in the bypassed stomach. What does this mean decades down the road?    — Holly D. (posted on November 10, 1999)

November 12, 1999
There is no documented increase in the incidence of malignancy or metaplasia after RNY vs. Normal stomach. As for the diagnostic access, endoscopy should be performed by an endoscopist who is experienced working with a bariatric surgeon. We also do gastroscopy tube with a ring around it that can help scoping the stomach directly.
   — Joseph A.

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