Anyone have any suggestions for me?

I had open RNY 7 months ago. Yesterday, upon wakening I felt fine. I went to take a shower and had an episode that was pretty scary. I got dizzy and very weak. This time it did not pass. I didn't have the strength to get out of the shower or to call for help. I ended up laying down in the shower. After a few minutes when this did not pass, I quickly figured out that I had to get the energy up to get out of the shower. During this episode, I was very close to fainting and couldn't seem to get any oxygen into my lungs. I was so weak that all I could do for a while was try to breath. I was so hot and kept thinking that if I could get the soap rinsed off me, I could get out and get some fresh air and cool down that maybe I would feel alright. At first, I thought I might be having a heart attack or stroke but I had no chest pain, crushing feelings or arm pain. After I eventually got out of the shower and laid on the bed for a while I was feeling better. I fought dizziness and weakness all day yesterday. Every time I tried to eat something (allowed foods) it would cause pain in my stomach, even drinking water caused the pain. Needless to say, I sort of laid around all day. Today, I am feeling fine. The dizziness is almost completely gone and I feel normal as far as strength. I take multivitamins, zinc, synthroid for hypothryoidism and try to get all my water in. I know I don't get much protein in despite my attempts (probably average about 20 grams a day if that much). I just can't do the protein drinks - they make me sick to my stomach. The day before this episode, I had eaten good but did not have as much water as I should have. I have had a couple similar episodes in the shower some time ago but they were much different. They seemed only to consist of dizziness and they passed fairly quickly. Also, I am not a diabetic but my blood sugar was 79 about 1/2 hour after this episode. 79 is a bit low but NOT seriously low. I am confused and a bit worried. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.    — Rene` B. (posted on May 28, 2001)

May 28, 2001
You definitely need to get to a doctor ASAP! I have no idea what the problem is, but you indicated pain, weakness, dizziness, lethargy, low blood sugar, not enough protien, etc, - and more than just one episode. <p> Once your doc figures out what's going on, try this recipe for a protien drink: <p> One cup of sugar free, berry flavored yogurt, one envelope of No Sugar Added Chocolate Carnation Instant Breakfast, one scoop of protien powder, and a couple of tablespoons of milk, water or orange juice to thin. Put it in a absolutely cannot taste the protien powder and it's very tasty. I like Barb's suggestion too, with the fresh fruit. I've made smoothies for my daughters with the protien powder and fruit and they loved it. Good luck and please see your doc!
   — Allie B.

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