Do I need a nurtitionist?

My insurance won't pay for an nuritionist,and I have limited funds, I have read a lot of information and diets online and on this website. Do I really need to see an nuritionist of can I just follow the doctor's instructions once I leave the hospital. I know this sound stupid but please help..... Thanks    — blank first name B. (posted on June 6, 2001)

June 6, 2001
You may have to consult your surgeon's office because pre-op requirements differ among doctors. I am pre-op but I know my surgeon will not do the wls until I have had a nutrition consultation. If you are diabetic maybe your ins will pay if you can have your PCP refer you to a licenced nutritionist for diabetes education. If the claim is submitted to the ins co as such, then you may stand a chance of it being covered. Just something to consider if you are diabetic. All the best.
   — dandjon

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