Whys with limited capacity canI eat so much around my period??

I am 5 months post op BPD/DS and notice that when my period is here,I can eat large amounts,I'm hungry constantly! I still eat healthy but my question is...Since our stomachs have such a limited capacity,how can I still eat so much during the time of the month?    — [Anonymous] (posted on July 10, 2001)

July 10, 2001
I do not know why this is, maybe our hormones speed up our metabolism or something but I am 5 1/2 mnths too, and find that I am always hungry around that time as well. I do try to make good food choices, but always worry about eating too much. Maybe our bodies lose protein during this time, I do not know but am in the same boat.
   — Sue B.

July 11, 2001
I too have found this to be true- thanks so much for asking this question. I feel like I am spinning out of control about one week prior to my period. I can't hardly help myself! I try to make good choices, but... I would kill for chocolate or sweets- does anyone have any suggestions? The only good thing is as soon as I start I have control back and watch between 7 to 10 pounds melt off afterwards- but when I am in the thick of it I wonder if this is going to last forever and it scares me!
   — [Anonymous]

July 13, 2001
I'm so glad you asked that question. I've noticed that several times (I am 1 year post op) I seem famished. I try to eat healthy, but I am just more physically hungry, and can seemingly eat much more than normal. It always passes. Yesterday and today were like that. I just realized when reading your post that my period is due tomorrow. I'll be curious now to track it. Also, has anyone actually gained weight the week of their period, only to lose it afterward? I'm up three pounds and began to freak out, then after I carefully thought about what I ate, I know it HAS to be bloating. I've lost over 140 lbs so far, but I still have that "failure" mentality - you know the "I'll be the one to gain it all back" mind set. I get so scared if the scale doesn't move. Thanks for keeping it in perspective. - Lisa
   — Lisa F.

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