I recently had a scope and they said my opening was to big, but my pouch is small.

Is this common?? My pouch is only 3 ounces, but my opening is 19 mm.... They are talking a revision. Should I do it?    — tierra012683 (posted on November 16, 2010)

November 16, 2010
Are you having problems and not losing any weight? Then maybe yes but if your still losing without any problems. Why try to fix something that's still working as it was designed too?
   — Michael Eak

November 16, 2010
My pouch is very small too and I love it! However, I had to have an endoscopy twice and that seems fine too now. One more thing I have learned in this process, eat slowly!
   — FSUMom

November 16, 2010
I am still loosing! Slowly but loosing! Keep in mind though I am only forty lbs from goal so I expect it to go a little slower than in the start! That's my theory if I am still loosing why do the surgery again!!!!
   — tierra012683

November 16, 2010
I had my surgery Aug 2009, and I am now down to 125lbs. I had a check up and the doctors wants me to gain 10lbs by next check up in 3 mos. If I don't he said that he will have to scope me. I eat as much as I can. I told me to eat fatty foods such as fries, chips, ice cream and candy. But I can't seem to gain. Is this what they might might say that my pouch is too small? I am happy with my weight. And really don't want to gain 10lbs.
   — Lauren M.

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