Anyone else getting lots of colds---post-op

Hi, Just wanted to know if anyone else who is post-op has been catching colds all the time. I had open RNY in Dec, 2006 and have had at least 5 head colds since then. Before surgery I only got them a couple of times a year. I just went last week to my surgeon for my 6mth checkup (about 3 weeks early) and all of my labs came back good. So I don't think that I'm lacking something in my diet. Thanks,    — Nee P (posted on May 22, 2006)

May 22, 2006
I had a lap RNY on Dec. 1st and have had three "colds" since January, but honestly think they are more allergy related than real colds. We started riding lessons in January so I am in a barn with hay and lots of dust once a week and I really think this is the cause for the upper respitatory problems. Also, the pollen gets to me. I now take Claritin once a day and have found significant relief. No, I don't think it is at all related to the surgery.
   — LauraA

May 22, 2006
hi I'm almost 11 months post op and I have not been sick once since my surgery July 05. I don't even have as many allergy problems as I had before. I don't know if it has to do with the surgery or not.
   — jjeanniespets1

May 22, 2006
Strange thing with me.......before surgery I was sick all the time - at least 3-4 sinus infections every year, bronchitis, you name it. I felt like I was always on antibiotics of some sort. Since my surgery in Dec 2003 I have had one sinus infection and then pnemonia this past February. That's it. Even my once horrible allergies are non existent. Maybe I just got too healthy????? My PCP actually called ME to see if I was ok because I never see him anymore, nor do I call him for 'scripts. I felt bad so I made an appointment for a yearly checkup.
   — Kathy

May 23, 2006
Did you get copies of your labs? What all was tested? What do you eat and avoid eating? How do you supplement?
   — vitalady

May 24, 2006
I had lapband surgery in july 2004. This last 2005 year I had 17 colds or viruses that hit me. One I was sick with for 4 months. Already in 2006 I have been sick 8 times, longest for 2 1/2 months. My allergies were not bad last year , but are really bad this year. I think lack of and slacking on proper nutrition has played a role with me.
   — winniepooh2

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