The foul gas and bowel stay with you? It's not temporary?

I thought the horrible gas and bowel smell went away after so long after the surgery.    — Donna C. (posted on April 26, 2009)

April 26, 2009
I had my surgery in July of 2006 and STILL experience foul smelling gas and bowel movements when I EAT SUGAR!!! It's my OWN fault...when I make the right healthy food choices, NO problem! :O) Trish in Vietnam
   — trishinvietnam

April 26, 2009
Some foods can produce some foul smelling gas, but generally it happens to those that continue to eat sugar and complex carbs REGULARLY...Bad bacteria (flora) LOVE sugar/starches and will "bloom" (grow like weeds) in your intestines and start entire communities complete with golf course and country club... LOL. So the more you eat sugars/white flours/processed junk ...the more you feed/fertilze that flora...It is the waste from large blooms that produce the wretched gas and bloating and discomfort. (gross, huh?) Probiotics are a good flora that EAT the bad stuff and keep it under control. But until they can devour the majority of the bad bloom, you will still have some nasty gas for a week or two...Probiotics help keep the intestinal flora balanced...BUT if you constantly eat junk food after RNY, then yes, you will constantly be producing the enviroment for the bad stuff! People that refuse to follow the basic rules will no doubt have chronic foul gas...The first year I did have quite a bit of that as my body learned to adjust to it's rerouted plumbing...I eat some sugar moderately and not have any gas at all...I can eat mushrooms and steak and the next day have some wretched gas! So knowing what foods as well as sugar cause you trouble, all you need is a weapon like probiotics...If I take one or two capsules before I eat those foods...I usually do not have any trouble...Maybe a few blooms a year...As for the BM's....with all the vitamins we take and the protein we eat...yes... waste is foul for everyone, although I admit that after's a "different kinda" foul! It's got a chemical smell on some days....a SOMETHING died for sure- smell on others...and some days I can just smell the vitamins with an almost orangy-fruity smell...I never know what to expect every morning...Texture is different, color, smell???? It is always a surprise in the bathroom! LOL Sorry for the details...OH...and anyone who takes "antibiotics" for a while should take some "probiotics" afterwards...Antibiotics kill ALL FLORA and to get a good flora started back in your intestines, probiotics are great! BTW, EVERYONE has some gas...EVERYONE!
   — .Anita R.

April 27, 2009
I need to make a correction...I'm ADD, sometimes...I wrote that sugar and "complex carbs" cause wretched gas! I meant to write SIMPLE CARBS...NOT complex carbs! Sorry!
   — .Anita R.

April 27, 2009
Anita, thanks for your insightful comments and common sense advice!
   — buckscountybabe

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