Getting GBS in less than a week and My one buddy is tring to talk me out of doing it?

I always struggled with my weight and 5yrs ago I was able to loose almost 70lbs in a yr working out with him at the gym and dieting, I've since gained it all back and some . He has been calling me everyday and getting me more confused as Im already scared stright and very overwhelmed , I told him Im 44 and 300lbs and he's not in my shoes but he isnt listening.. I know its my life my decision and dont have to explain anything but for a few small minutes I almost had 2nd thoughts..he thinks I can loose the weight w/o the surgery.... Any thoughts on what I should say to him?    — barry l. (posted on December 29, 2009)

December 29, 2009
You need to stay away from him until after your surgery. You have proven to yourself that you cannot lose the weight and keep it off with regular diet and exercise. This tool will help you lose the weight in combination with "diet" and exercise. We all get cold feet right before the surgery, but do not let someone else talk you out of it, someone who has no clue what it is like. This is the right decision for you, the decision you made, so please don't let someone else tell you otherwise. There are many people here on the forums that were talked out of it, and then later when on to try and have the surgery only to be denied. You are extremely lucky that you are able to have this surgery, consider it a blessing and ignore all nay-sayers until after your surgery. That is my advice!
   — Jennifer F.

December 29, 2009
awwhhh!! he is jealous!!! Does he understand the other risk if you don't get the surgery? I have recently been approved thru my insurance and go for my consult with the doc on Jan 5.I am not letting anyone stand in my way!I did mention it to one friend and she didn't like the idea I have seen her twice since the discussion and it was not mentioned again.So I will let her see for herself in a couple of months.A new me!
   — davonjack

December 29, 2009
I had GBS on Oct 23rd,09, just over a year ago I was working on getting my approval and had family members who talked me out of it. I can tell you now that there is only one thing I am sad about and that is that I did not get this done sooner! I have wasted so many years of my life with food as my main focus. I have lost 35 lbs and feel so much differnt already. Good luck, I wish you well! tj
   — tjh

December 29, 2009
I would tell you that you need to make your decision and stick with it. You say that he isn't listening to you. Then it is time that you stop listening to him. You have to live with yourself and you should be doing this surgery for one person - YOU! If he isn't listening he obviously won't be a good support person. Sometimes we have to decide when it is time to let others out of our lives so we can get people into our lives who will support us. It is hard when we are obese because we are used to not having a lot of self esteem and listening to everyone else. You do what you need to do even if that includes backing away from a buddy who won't support your decision. Good luck!!
   — Dawn A.

December 29, 2009
Your friend is jealous, sorry but I am correct on that asuumption. Stay a way from him until your surgery. Being overweight is bad for you and you need to do the surgery. It isn't a piece of cake, i assure you but I am glad I did. I get a lot of &*9t from my sister too, I finally had to tell her to shut up, she is jealous too. GOOOOO for it Barry
   — FSUMom

December 29, 2009
This is a typical sabatorf situation. they were feeling superior to you when you were doing things their way so to speek and now that you have stood up and said I have failed at the diet and now I am 44 and trying to take control of my life they loose that co ntrol thus becoming a sabator. So mone else here said thatyou should stay away from that person until you have had the surgery but I feel that perhaps that person should becom part of your past and you need to move on. They will only continut to sabatage you after the surgery. You don't want to fall into their trap. They might not even know that they are doing this. If they really understood your need for this operation they would walk with you and not fight your choices. On anothe thought.. Perhaps they need to be more informed about the type of surgery that you are about to go through.THat bit of education might get tthem to let up on hounding you. You are not alone in this. We all have one or more un supporting person/s in our lives before and after the surgery. You my friend have done what is best for you at this junction in your life. Good for you for taking this step in going the rood of health. You will as you know still need to watch what you eat after the surgery and to exercize to keep it off but heck you are giving yourself a head start to burn off the storage that you currently have and getting this surgery you will be healthy from the start of it not have to wait until the middle of a diet program to start to feel better. We are here to support you as you go through this emotional time. We all go through it. My doctor said that DIETS don't work comitment does. If you are commited to this you will succeed. YOU CAN DO IT!!!
   — OntarioSilk

December 29, 2009
Maybe you should tell him that you will be looking for a workout buddy after the surgery and would love for him to be a "personal trainer" for you. Tell him you appreciate the concern but you have explored your options and right now need his support.
   — ChristysJourney

December 29, 2009
I had two people who didn't want me to have surgery and tried to talk me out of it. One I was able to "EDUCATE" and explain the process and the reason WHY I was going to have surgery --- she came around. The other -- was my sister and we no longer speak. She couldn't understand why I wanted to do it. Thought my reasons why were not why I was "really" doing it. She said she wouldn't talk to me again. She's my sister and I miss her, but she is not living my life, nor does she walk in my shoes (then or now). She's over weight, unemployed, unmotivated and unbalanced --- so I know she's just jealous. So be it. I have plenty of other people in my life that support me and love me for who I am --- thinner or fat, round or flat, tall or short, THOSE are the people I want in my life anyway. Good luck. I know it can be hard. It's your body. Your choice.
   — jammerz

December 30, 2009
Barry, Your friend is telling you not to have the surgery because he is codependent on you. If he is overweight too, then he is afraid of losing his "overweight" fried, or his eating buddy or his gym buddy. He isn't telling you no because he is scared for you. He is telling you no because he is scared to be by himself during his struggle, if he is overweight. If he isn't overweight "now" due to diet and excercise, then just tell him it is your decision but you have to do what is best for you. I don't know if you should shut him out of your life, that could cause a trigger in overeating for both of you, and more weight will be gained. Simply explore the surgeries, I have some info at this website to explain the different surgeries and how they affect your life: GO TO WWW.LAPSF.COM, ON THE LEFT SIDE BLUE BOX CLICK "WEIGHT LOSS AND REVISIONAL SURGERIES" THEN CLICK "INTRO-WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS", SCROLL DOWN TO WHERE YOU SEE THE PICTURE OF A STOMACH-CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE "SURGERY COMPARISON CHART". PRINT THIS EMAIL SO YOU CAN FOLLOW MY INSTRUCTIONS. I hope this helps. I think regardless of what others think, it is your life and if you want to improve it, then do so. Best decision I have ever made.
   — Kristy

December 30, 2009
Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who are misinformed about this surgery and will try to turn you away from it. I actually had an older doctor tell me that I shouldn't have it because my gastro problems would be worse. That is so not true. Misinformed. I would definitely go for it and have the surgery. It is a lifesaver and is one of the best decisions I have ever made. The doctor that I see now is even thinking of having it done because of my great progress. Pray on it, and let God guide you, not man. He guided me with this. No doubt! Be blessed! Maureen
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 30, 2009
I agree with Jennifer's response. I had the VSG on December 9, 2009, I have lost 22 inches and 11 pounds (the weight loss would have been more, but I had a minor set back with a minor infection. You should go for it; you will not be sorry and you will have better health and be a stronger, better person.
   — juanita_bright

December 30, 2009
You have made a decision concerning your health. That your friend disagrees should be of no concern to you. There are always people who will disagree with your decisions. I knew my family and a lot of friends would not be happy with my decision so I told my husband and one friend. I am 3 weeks post op and have told everyone that I am on a liquid diet and there have been no questions. You know what is right for you and you have made the decision. Do not talk to your friend for the next week, you do not need the aggravation or the anxiety. Think only positive thoughts and keep yourself surrounded by positive people and you will be fine. Best of luck with your surgery.
   — Cynthia T.

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