Do post-op's use normal means to clean for sigmoidoscopy?

I am 9 months post -op & I am scheduled to have a flexible sigmoidoscopy and wonder if anyone has had one & did you follow normal protocol to clean out sigmoid/colon? The magnesiun citrade is "citrusy" & will it hurt my pouch or shorter intestine? I have not had any citrus. Thanks, Donna    — hopeiloseit (posted on March 18, 2006)

March 18, 2006
No, there is no difference. you can safely use the colon irrigation. Just drink lots of water afterwards, to rinse out the pouch. Good luck with your test! Sandy
   — SandyR

March 18, 2006
I preferred the phospho soda because of the very small volume. It made me mega thirsty, so drinking water for the next few hours was JUST FINE with me. And the clean out for a full c-scope was complete.
   — vitalady

March 21, 2006
Mag Citrate comes also in cherry flavor I prefer the original more like a funky ginger ale. Some doctors use Go Lytely. The name is a joke because it's makes you clean as a whistle, but you have to drink over 1000 cc in a couple hours the most horrible taste there is. Made me sick taking it. Good Luck.
   — Deborah Joyner

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