I have spider bite on my forehead, surgery is 4-24, will this affect my surgery?

nurse friend said my surgery may be canceled due to this bite, anyone had this before??    — flutterby52 (posted on April 22, 2007)

April 22, 2007
I had infected ant bites on both my arms and legs. I did not say anything until they saw them. Not intentional, just did not think it was major. I had my surgery. I got antibiotics in my drip before and during surgery, which they said would be the norm anyway.
   — Deeat44

April 23, 2007
You say you have a spider bite on your forehead... is it infected? If not, then it should not affect your surgery in any way. What your friend is probably thinking of is if you have a localized skin infection called cellulitis... if you see your pcp and get on antibiotics for it, if it is infected then you should be fine, but your surgeon will have the final say-so.. good luck to you.
   — Kari_K

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