I am 57 yrs old, cycle came back after wls

I have not had a cycle in 6 mos,had RNY in August and cycle came back like clock work every month. what happen. I was so happy not to have cycle for 6 months, i am getting too old for this,anybody experience this.....    — [Deactivated Member] (posted on October 10, 2010)

October 10, 2010
One word: MENOPAUSE! That is how mine started, but I am done.
   — FSUMom

October 10, 2010
First, congrats on your WLS. Your life will be better for it. 57 is not necessarily too old to have a cycle and it is not out of the norm to have periods stop and restart when going through the change. WLS is a shock to your body that could restart your cycle, but it will ebb with time. Being over weight can stop our periods also. The loss of fat cells can put us back on a normal cycle. Time will cure the issue. Just enjoy your new you!
   — Bonnie H.

October 10, 2010
NOOOOO!!! I just turned 50 and skipped sept and hoping i skip sept. you may want to see an ob/gyn, my mom did that at age 60, it was polyps that had to be removed.
   — caxb2009

October 11, 2010
Hi ! Yes I have heard of this and please use precautions to not get pregnant! oOur hormones are stored in our fat cells..when we lose the fat, the hormones are released again into our system and, yes, we can menstruate again and become fertile. you have heard of grandmas who give birth to their grandbabies? well the dr's give them hormones...anyway, it is normal..after wls to once again menstruate...will you go thru the menopause crap again? probably. I was peri menopausal before surgery..had white hair hot flashes, irregular motnhlies...had wls surgery and once i got to goal...everything changed, i was 30 days between periods(never was all my life) and my white hair was at 2 yrs out..i am going thru all the crap again...the emotional crap, the heavy periods, my white hair is coming back...etc..It was good while it laasted , btu our bodies go thru such a change that it takes time for it to regulate itself again. It is normal for wl people, just take percautions and enjoy your new life as a new you! hugs n God Bless, Kim
   — gpcmist

October 11, 2010
The same thing happened to me! I just turned 58 in August and had was banded on 5/4/10. Up until then, I had not had one for about 6 months. When I started losing weight, it came back. I know how you feel. I'm waiting for this to be over too! LOL I think it's the hormones going back into place. The weight was probably complicating all that stuff. On the bright side, maybe it will make us feel younger, at least we will be thinner!!!! Best of luck.
   — jackmom1484

October 11, 2010
yes but they told me it might - it didn't last long
   — paulag457

October 11, 2010
Dorothy, I went thru menopause 10 years ago, and after surgery started spotting for the first time in a decade. Nothing more since so hopefully it was a one time thing. Can't offer anything more... Cheryl*
   — boernecheryl

October 13, 2010
My period stopped when I was 30. I am now 59 and had RNY surgery 8/24/10. I had a cycle when I was in the hospital and lasted 4 days. Nothing since, thank God. But my Dr never heard of this happening. Good luck.
   — Linda819

November 12, 2010
My cycle stopped when I was 29. My first birthday after surgery mine started back
   — kankan

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