Anybody w/PCOS taking meds still?

I will be 4months post op 9/9/07 and was just wondering if anybody else w/PCOS still takes meds since surgery? My PCP took me off of my BCP'S and metformin 2 months before my surgery because we thought that my symptoms would subside afterward, but they seem worse now. I've lost 68 pounds w/minimal excersize and seem to be at a standstill now. Im currently increasing my protein and excersize, but I think it might be my PCOS? Anyone else have this problem?    — maria_d99 (posted on September 7, 2007)

September 7, 2007
I have PCOS and am 17 months post-op. I stopped my Metformin about 2 weeks after surgery. My triglycerides remain slightly elevated but all my other lab work is now normal. I still have the PCOS, though - I don't know if that ever goes away or not??? Congrats on the 68lbs!! I would see your endocrinologist and maybe get back on the Metformin. You should have a full lab work up too to see what's going on. Don't get discouraged that your WL has slowed - your body needs time to catch up and this is normal. Good luck!!! ~Sarah in VA
   — platypus

September 7, 2007
I have traditional PCOS (No insulin resistance, elevated androgens) I am five years post-op. I take Metformin and an anti androgen (Flutamide). I had a period of rapid unexplained weight gain soon after my RNY. I was finally diagnosed with PCOS. I must take medication to keep my Testosterone levels down. I have had slow weight loss. I have not experienced any more bouts of unexplained weight gains since starting my Meds. I am glad to finally have a diagnosis, just sorry it took surgery for doctors to believe that it was wacky hormones causing the weight gains and not binges. I have lost 185lbs. I am much healthier now. Some people do need the meds so that their body will work properly. There are actually five types of PCOS and varying levels of severity. I see an Endocrinologist to treat my PCOS. Good luck.
   — Allison4wls

September 9, 2007
This surgery does not cure PCOS or insulin resistance (I learned the hard way). I still take metformin (500 mg--3x a day). I went off of metformin for the first 1.5 years after surgery--but not I am back on it and stay on it even through 2 pregnancies!!! I still have most of the symptoms as before except I was able to get pregnant after losing weight. I never had a problem with weight loss after surgery though, I lost 216 pounds. But I was strict the first year--NO SUGAR at all! Because I knew that was my problem, and I knew that my body turned carbs & sugar directly into fat in my body.

September 10, 2007
I am a PCOS patient but I stopped taking me medicine, not because my doctor told me to but because I had to change doctors. Anyways, I have noticed that I am having a lot of trouble loosing weight. In five months, well six really but i was in the hospital for one month in which i gained 20 lbs, i have lost 48 lbs. I feel like a total failure. I hope, it is the PCOS but I need to see my doctor first. Don't get discourge though, I am trying not to.
   — summerday_99

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