numbness in my tummy

I am 9 days post op (15 pounds gone!!!) but I have had this numbness in my lower tummy that I dont really notice unless I touch it. It kind of feels like when your feet fall asleep and have begun to "wake up". Has anyone else felt this before or know if it is normal. Other wise unless I look at my incisions I forget I had surgery. Well thank you for all responses and God Bless.    — mother2mykids (posted on December 11, 2008)

December 11, 2008
That's totally normal. The doc had to cut through a band of nerves in your tummy to do your incisions. I had this strip on my tummy that was numb like that. Mine went away at about 6 months. My mother has had a tummy tuck and she said that she experienced the same thing. She and my doctor said that its very common to experience after abdominal surgery so don't worry. Good luck! I hope you continue to see success and feel good! I'm one year post op and 92 lbs down! I hope you have as exciting a year as I have had and that you continue to heal well!
   — MandyR

December 11, 2008
If you had ab open procedure, the numbness you experience is most likely due to the nerve endings that were cut when the incision was made. Small nerve endings act like what you describe, however, those feelings disappear over time as the nerve endings start growing back together. They are wonderful little things.
   — ilscherer

December 11, 2008
Just want to say congrats Amanda! Everything sounds pretty normal. I am happy for you!
   — katiecakes

December 11, 2008
This is totally normal. I had my revision July 2, 2008 and my incision area is still numb. It should come back with feeling. Everyone is different. Congrads on your surgery and to the club.
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 11, 2008
Hi, I haven't had my WLS yet, but I have the same thing from my hysterectomy. It's been 3 years and it's still the same, it doesn't really bother me but it's sort of freaky when I shower, I feel the soap in my hand my can't feel it on my lower stomach, weird! lol
   — Lilith

December 17, 2008
Hi. I do not know about others but speaking from my own experience, have had 75 operations, I have numbess from all of my major operations. Sometimes feelings return but in other spots doctors tell me probably will not ever get complete feelings back. It is a strange feeling, like you said, as though that spot has fallen asleep. If it bothers you too much, ask your doctor or his nurse what to do. Hope this helps you not to feel alone in having this feeling.
   — kankan

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