The week before my period I have terrible cravings.

I crave chocolate and I'm constantly hungry. Do you think this will change after surgery?    — Betty M. (posted on June 19, 2001)

June 19, 2001
I am 10 weeks post-op today and I get munchie a few days before my period. It is different because of the amount of food that we can eat post-op compaired to pre-op. I find that if I eat some cheese and a bread and butter pickle that it helps. I do not crave the sweets like I used to and have yet to try sugar other than what is in fruit. I hope this helps!
   — Tawny F.

June 19, 2001
Sorry to say I don't think least not with me,I did'nt notice any cravings the first few months but then they kicked in big time. Now my periods are something I have to plan ahead for,I make sure I've got things I like that have lots of protein in them like jerky and string cheese.I know they are'nt chocholate but having extra protein in you during this time of the month will help with the cravings.Also my last period I tried some really good sugar free things,it helped. I was a big time sugar addict and now It's not quite as bad if I plan ahead and know it's just a hormonal thing.
   — Vel K.

June 20, 2001
I know exactly what you are going through. I had never really noticed cravings or changes in my eating habits before my surgery and that is probably because I was constantly eating everything that I am supposed to be craving. Anyhow, about a month after my surgery, I suddenly noticed a huge increase in my appetite and a serious chocolate craving and then about a week later my period hit. It dawned on me that now that I am not eating all these bad things all the time, I am more in tune with my body and feel the cravings. It has been like this every month since. I have no answers for it other than that I give in to the cravings, but I like the idea of trying to eat high protein foods during these times. I think I will try this. (6 months out and 110 pounds gone forever)
   — Cassie O.

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