do you think I can travel by car 8 hours 16 days post op?

My about to be son -in-law is graduating from Oficer Canidate school and I really want to see this It has been something he has worked so hard for and I feel like I need to be there. I would have someone to help me the whole way what do yall think    — leeanne67 (posted on July 14, 2007)

July 13, 2007
I felt well enough to RIDE 8 hours, but not to DRIVE 8 hours 16 days post-op. I had open RNY (perhaps Lap Band would be different) and there was some limitation on being able to look over my left shoulder to check on traffic before switching lanes. Either way, I would stop every hour or so to walk around and avoid potential for blood clots and keep abdominal gas to a minimum. Load the car up with your nutritional requirements (plus extras) and lots of liquids! Congratulations on raising a daughter with such good judgment!
   — cleo66

July 13, 2007
I felt well enough to RIDE 8 hours, but not to DRIVE 8 hours 16 days post-op. I had open RNY (perhaps Lap Band would be different) and there was some limitation on being able to look over my left shoulder to check on traffic before switching lanes. Either way, I would stop every hour or so to walk around and avoid potential for blood clots and keep abdominal gas to a minimum. Load the car up with your nutritional requirements (plus extras) and lots of liquids! Congratulations on raising a daughter with such good judgment!
   — cleo66

July 14, 2007
I think you could do it but check with your doctor...I don't think it's advisable to drive though and you may want to put a pillow around your incisions just in case the driver stops short.
   — Sheri A.

July 14, 2007
Absolutely! I was back at work full time teaching middle schoolers 16 days out. Of course, for every one like me, there is another that took weeks. I'd say plan for it, but be open to having to cancel if needed, based on your recovery.
   — jen41766

July 14, 2007
I think you should be fine... as long as you have no complications. Always check with your doctor!
   — robinmarra

July 14, 2007
As always, check with your doc, and then make an informed decision. I would have been fine, but you don't say which surgery you had. I went to Milwaukee for my surgery, so I had to ride 4 hours home 3 days post op. Plan to leave extra time as you may need to get out and stretch and walk a bit along the journey. I would definitely not drive the whole way yourself, but if there is someone with you, you should be fine.... Good luck and take care!!! feel free to email if you want [email protected]
   — andrealej

July 15, 2007
I traveled 8 hrs. three days after surgery to get home. It was fine. Hubby stopped every two hours for me to walk around a bit, but I did fine with just a few stops of two to three minutes, so you should do great being 16 days out. I was driving at 10 days, however, not for such a long distance. Best of luck and enjoy your trip!
   — Patticake

July 15, 2007
Depending on whether you had an open or a laparascopic procedure will make a big difference. If it is an open procedure, there is probably no way that you can do a trip like that. If laparascopic, have someone else drive and prop yourself with pillows. Your pain levels should be well under control at that point and take foods you can eat with you (broth, or soft depending on what your diet is at that point of recovery), If you have special needs most restaurants will accomodate you if travelling and would have a soup on menu or jello. I'd suggest actually taking a cooler with preportioned items in microwaveable containers and ask the restaurant to heat for you after explaining your recent surgery. Keep pillows in front of you in case of an accident and also holding one against your belly helps you move around with less pain during recovery. I had my surgery 3 hours away and it was a hard trip home at 4 days out. At 2 weeks, I could only tollerate short trips in the car. Only you can judge how well you feel at that point to actually make the trip. Also get your doctor in the loop and get clearance for trip. He might have some helpful hints as well.
   — oceanrayne

July 15, 2007
o Problem, I had my lap-band procedure 6-21 (Thursday) and was back to work the following Tuesday. Within 2 weeks I was back in the gym lifting weights and doing crunches. Plan on being there with bells on. You should have no trouble.
   — jespfs51

July 15, 2007
I saw go for it, but be smart. Having someone with you is good, but stop every 2 hours for a short walk and bathroom break. Not because you "need" it, but to stretch your legs and prevent blood clots. Be sure you have your surgeons go ahead, and be sure you have no complications on the rise. Perhaps see your surgeon just before you go to go over the check list of what to look for, and be on your guard about food. If your surgeon has a green light, move on and enjoy! You also may want an address/phone of a local surgeon or hospital that can help you in a pinch. Not that you are gonna need it, but be smart about your travel, and you will be glad you went over prepared. Take care. Patricia P.
   — Patricia P

July 15, 2007
You should definitely confer with your doctor, but I think that you should be ok. After major surgery, you have the risk of blood clots in the legs, so get out of the car every few hours to move around. It may make a difference in what type of surgery you had, open or laparoscopic...but I had the open and was driving a week after I got home from the hospital...of course, things like this are determined by your pain level and tolerances...and being off of pain medication. If you had the open, I would recommend taking a pillow, also, for short stops, coughing spells, etc. I hope that you are able to go...congrats to your son-in-law!
   — BrendaMS

November 15, 2007
hello I had to travel almost 4 hrs home after 4 days in the hosp. and I had a open rny to get home it was rough because of bumps but as long as your not on blood thinners I would say no problem. other wise ask your dr. take care cathy
   — tenderlovinghugs07

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