How soon can I return to work after Lap RNY?

If my surgery is sheduled on a Thursday, is it unreasonable to think I will be able to return to work (at a desk job) the following Monday or Tuesday? Thanks in advance for all advice.    — lasias (posted on July 21, 2006)

July 21, 2006
Are you wanting to return to work that soon????!!!! I would give your body some time to heal, you my also be in alot of pain. Our work we had two weeks off... and I was glad for ir all.
   — jackie B.

July 21, 2006
This is major surgery even if the incisions are small. They are re-routing your insides. It is totally crazy to think you can go back to work so quickly. My surgeon recommended a miniumu of 4 weeks and preferably 6. I took 5 and I am glad I did. I was very tired for the first 3 weeks and very uncomfortable for the first 10 days. I have a desk job too. Give yourself a break. You also have to adjust to a new eating regime and that takes some time and thought. Don't set yourself up for failure. Give yourself a little healing time. If your employer wants to know when you will be back - tell him at least a month to 6 weeks. Then if you are superman or superwoman and feel up to it sooner, they will be impressed and happy when you return. If you try to go back too early and then have to take off again it won't make them happier. This is about getting healthy. Give yourself the time you need.
   — patgels

July 21, 2006
This is major surgery even if the incisions are small. They are re-routing your insides. It is totally crazy to think you can go back to work so quickly. My surgeon recommended a miniumu of 4 weeks and preferably 6. I took 5 and I am glad I did. I was very tired for the first 3 weeks and very uncomfortable for the first 10 days. I have a desk job too. Give yourself a break. You also have to adjust to a new eating regime and that takes some time and thought. Don't set yourself up for failure. Give yourself a little healing time. If your employer wants to know when you will be back - tell him at least a month to 6 weeks. Then if you are superman or superwoman and feel up to it sooner, they will be impressed and happy when you return. If you try to go back too early and then have to take off again it won't make them happier. This is about getting healthy. Give yourself the time you need.
   — patgels

July 21, 2006
I have my surgery scheduled for this Tuesday the 25th. I told my work that I want at least 2 weeks off, and I have a desk job. I will be put on short term disability. I will still get paid, which will be nice, and I don't have to take vacation days. I would ask your doctor and see what he recommends and then tell your employer what your doctor says. I am sure they will work with you. Good Luck.
   — danals24

July 21, 2006
Hi Hoping - I guess it depends on your work situation. I did not have a choice, I had to go back to work, I also have a desk job and it was difficult and tiring but I did it. If you have the opportunity to stay home for 2 weeks than definittely take it! But if you don't you will survive :o) Just take it easy and slow. Hope that helps, Kim
   — kimmy

July 21, 2006
My surgeon says we need 2-3 weeks off with lap surgery. Now, having said that, I have read many posts from people who return to work after a few days. Expect to be very tired ... But as long as you are careful, it probably won't hurt you. Listen to your body ... Annette
   — peacefuldaizy

July 21, 2006
I was given 4 weeks off from my surgeon (1 week vacation, 3 weeks disability - California). I was in the hospital for 4 days and was in bed for an additional 4 days being really weak and barely able to get my food in. And I had no complications! I knew a girl who had been in the hospital a month and a half because she had complications and leaks. If you don't have the time off, I would wait on the surgery until you have accrued the time off or can afford to take time off. It is imperative that you allow your body the time to heal. If you don't allow yourself the time to heal it could cause complications that could cause you to go back in the hospital. Good luck and remember to not sell yourself so short as to worry about your work over your own health!
   — [Deactivated Member]

July 21, 2006
I had my surgery on Friday, December 9th. I did not get out of the hospital until the following Tuesday, the 13th. I went to work on Monday the 19th and worked 4 hours a day that week. I went back full time on Tuesday the 27th (We were closed the 26th for Christmas). My surgery was done LAP and I had no real complications. You are not 100% guaranteed that you will have it done LAP when you go under. Sometimes you wake up have had and open sugery. I woke up having had a VBG rather than a bypass. There is NO WAY you can go back to work on Tuesday from a sugery on Thursday. At least wait until the drain has been removed.
   — WMKaisla

July 21, 2006
I guess the answer to this question depends on you. Now, I had open RNY, and I was in the hospital for 5 days. Lost a lot of blood during the surgery. Afterwards, I was pretty sick, and couldnt even think of work for two weeks. Then it was two weeks of half days from home. When I went back to work full time, four weeks after surgery, it was still all I could do to get through a whole day. I dont think I would plan on going back that quickly. Chris
   — CChappell

July 21, 2006
If you are totally healthy going into a surgery as major as this, then MAYBE you could go back that soon. If, as I suspect, you have some other problems as you are "hoping to be healthy", then only taking off a few days is going to be a problem. I was hospitalized three days and spent another day in a hotel because I was too ill at discharge to make the 2 hour trip home. It has taken me a good 3 weeks to start to feel better and be able to function at all. I had some minor complications with medication tollerances, as what we can tollerate pre-op isn't the same as what we can tollerate post op. I was horribly weak and could only function for an hour at the most if I had to run an errand and that was if I was using an electric cart to get around somwhere. That was an hour from the time I got in the car until I had to be home. It was only once I got past my third week post op that I started to feel able to even sit on the computer for more than a few minutes at a time. I also had issues with hydration and nutrition because of the medication problems. So, to really answer your question... most likely you are going to have a rough time if you are going to try to return that fast. If this is a financial issue, is it possible to save a bit so you CAN take the time off? If it's an issue of an uncooperative employer, if you've been there over a year look into the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Most employers, unless it's a super small company, have to abide by this which allows you to take up to 12 weeks off in a one year period for care of yourself or a family members medical issues. Remember that this IS a major surgery and complications can happen so you need to be prepared for them.
   — oceanrayne

July 21, 2006
I'm 1 week out, and I took 2 weeks off of work, with the possiblity of a 3rd week. I have a desk job and trust me even after 1 week, i'm glad I have another one to go, your body needs the time to heal and you need to get your rest. trust me it's worth it. take as much time off as you can, if you are concerned about income, see if you qualify for the family leave act or state unemployment if you won't be getting paid. Good luck!
   — Jenney

July 21, 2006
I was at work 3 days after surgery and even though it is a sit down job I found it was just too much. Give yourself at least a week and a half. Your body is adjusting to your new nutritional intake and you will be a little weak and tired for awhile.
   — shannonwaycott

July 21, 2006
You must give yourself time to heal. My doc told me to expect to be out 4 to 6 weeks. I took six weeks of sick and vacation time. I was glad I did. Even when I returned to work after the six weeks, I was very tired the first week back. My employeer was very supportive and would send me home early. Don't be in a rush to return to work. Use this time to heal and regain your strength. God bless you on this new and exciting journey.
   — KEB

July 21, 2006
I think it's a bit unreasonable. I had mine on a Friday, didn't even get out of the hospital until Monday. I took two weeks out and definitely needed that first full week. I MIGHT have been able to go back the second week, when I was feeling quite a bit better, and getting bored, but I still tired pretty easily and was glad to have the two weeks. I really think you need to give yourself at least a full week. Even though it's lap, the first few days after you get out, you're going to find it very hard to do simple things like standing up and sitting down!
   — sandsonik

July 21, 2006
As you can tell by the plethora of responses, EVERYONE is different! I had a gastric bypass laproscopically done and NEVER felt pain, just discomfort from the gas (like I had just overeaten at a buffet or something). I was up and walking the first hour out of surgery and went home the next morning feeling great! I "could have" gone back to work as soon as you suggested, but I'm glad I didn't have to! Feeling tired is natural...enjoy your time off! And, most importantly, listen to YOUR surgeon, not anyone else! :O)
   — zoeysgrami

July 23, 2006
Oh heavens no! Forget it! You will most likely kill the boss if he even called and suggested it. No give yourself time to heal. It takes some longer than others but none of us were super humans....good luck with your surgery! Robert - [email protected]
   — RobertMiller

July 24, 2006
I had Laparoscopic Roux en y almost 5 years ago and was back to work (full time) as a Nurse on a busy Medical/Surgical floor within 2 weeks. It all depends upon your motivation. Best of luck to you!!
   — anyce

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