Upset stomach and feeling very sick Lap RNY on 2/1/07

   — Katie S. (posted on March 5, 2007)

March 5, 2007
Hi Katie , I'm 8 months postop and have lost 117 pounds. the things you seemed concerned about is legitimate. I too went through my first 2 months of feeling sick and accassionally the foamies syndrome. its normal, at least thats what it seems like to be so far. Dont worry about not finishing a meal, just do your best and make sure not to over eat, your body will let you know real fast if that happens. I have made a habit of carrying around a toothbrush in my purse in case I dont chew something up right or ate too fast for this particular reason. I'd rather force it out than to go thro the 1 to 4 hours of pain wondering if its going to go down or come up. NOT a good idea but its my way of handling it. I dont normally answer questions that ppl ask , I just like to read them, helps me know I'm not alone. GOODLUCK with your weight loss and I know you will get to feeling better and doing better as soon as you figure out what works for you and what doesnt.
   — sachi48sims

March 5, 2007
I had LAP/RNY on 2/15. I have days of feeling a bit sick to my "pouch", LOL. On the days I feel ill - I go back to eating soup w/ the veggies - just chew/chew/chew and eat a saltine cracker. Since I've been introducing soft foods, it hasn't been as bad or as frequent. Honey...take your calcium!! It is so important for your body to heal and for your overall health in general....try to keep on schedule. Some days my protein grosses me out, too....I am taking liquid IDS New Whey 42 grams - fruit punch. I just suck it up and tell myself it is a small price to pay to be healthy. There are meals where I skip taking the "shot" of protein, but for the most part - 4 shots (1oz. at a time, breakfast, lunch and dinner) so I am guaranteed my 42 grams from that and whatever I eat in food makes up the rest. I've averaged 50-55 right after surgery. My average is up to 65-70 per day now. I've seen a lot of people post about the foamies - mainly when they ate something and didn't chew well enough and or white mean chicken seems to be the culprite to a lot of people (it can be very dry). I ate some last night (it was in soup) so it was pretty moist and it went down A-OK. I know the foamies are normal. Good luck and stay on top of your protein and vitamins!!
   — jammerz

March 5, 2007
I had RNY lap on 2/21. I am not taking in the fluid or calories that are required. I feel full fast & really have no desire to eat. It has become a chore. I feel thirst but water upsets my stomach. Sometimes I feel weak, maybe my blood sugar is low? This is a lot more difficult than I had expected. I still have quite a bit of pain! God bless!
   — Diani68

March 5, 2007
A couple of things come to mind. Maybe 3 oz is too much? Back in the olden days we did 1 oz meals (4-6 per day) until goal wt! Never got too full one one oz. What is your protein? How much what made with how much what? And then, you are 4 weeks out, which is a time when things can change. If you are vomiting and it started recently, please see your doc to be scoped, ok? It's easily fixed, and better addressed right away before you are dehydrated or deficient in anything.
   — vitalady

March 5, 2007
Hi Katie, Sorry you are feeling sickly, unfortunately, it kinda comes with the territory at first, you need to just work on balancing out what you eat and testing different things that agree with your new tummy. Don't overeat, let your body tell you when you are full. You can't necessarily go with a certain quantity, because what might work for one person might not work for another. Maybe try a different form of protein if you are feeling sick from what you are usiing, thats what I did. Dont' beat yourself up over it, and don't let it upset you.. just move forward the best you can. As far as the foamies, I got those several times, mostly after getting something stuck and having to bring it back up, make sure you are chewing your food up well and eating nice and slow. It is normal, and when you get into a routine and get used to what and how much to eat, that will pretty much stop. I only get sick occasionally now (I am about 16 months out. -133 lbs) and usually its my own fault, either I made a bad food choice, ate too much or too fast or drank with my meal.. so just be careful and you will do great!!!!!
   — April

March 7, 2007

   — Katie S.

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