Will my stoma eventually enlarge?

I have been dilated twice and still closed up pretty tight. It did seem to loosen up a *bit* so that I could tolerate chicken and beef. What I want to know is if it will eventually get looser to where I can swallow pills one day? I am only 3 months out and get stuck on HALF of a 'one a day'. So those of you that are further out than I, were you able to start swallowing normal size pills at one point, or will I always be at this M&M size?    — Cheri M. (posted on February 13, 2002)

February 13, 2002
I used to have to split large pills and vitamins into 4 pieces! It was such a pain. Now, 11 months out, I can swallow them whole. Don't worry - your tiny stoma won't be a forever problem.
   — Terissa R.

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