Weight loss surgery at a medical college.

Anyone ever done this?    — arruncomic (posted on January 2, 2009)

January 2, 2009
Yes, I had my surgery done at Stanford University Hospital. It has been a very positive experience. The fills have been done under flouroscopy, the people have been very considerate of your privacy, and not aggressive in their fills. I was asked to take part in two surveys. One I didn't qualify for since I didn't drink and then another one. Periodically the people send me a survey and ask me questions about how I feel about doing certain things since I've lost weight. If you want to contact me off line I am at: [email protected]
   — Marti P.

January 2, 2009
Never done it, but I have heard that you get the BEST care at some of these medical colleges. You may be worked on by STUDENTS, but they are SUPERVISED by the BEST in the field! The supervision is what makes the difference. There is more than ONE doctor working on you. Many heads are better than one!
   — hubarlow

January 2, 2009
id 7 /o8 110 pounds gone. University Washington Medical Center Seattle, had many great people looking after me was nice. Main doc then a team. Best of luck Tammi
   — Tammi Sandoval

January 3, 2009
Being married to a practicing ob/gyn, I would be extremely confident of having my surgery done at a teaching hospital. I would, however, be inclined to ask plenty of questions: Who will be the primary surgeon? How many procedures like this has he/she done before? Are there any previous patients that would be willing to talk to me regarding their experience? Who else will be scrubbed in at that time? Who will administer anethesia? All are routine questions that you might ask anyway. Best wishes! Lori 5 1/2 years post-op
   — fowlerloriann

January 3, 2009
I had my RNY done at University of Alabama(Birmingham)by Ronald Clements. He and his staff gave me excellent care. In fact, last year they were ranked as one of the top 30 as far as Bariatric surgery section. They are a Center of Excellence or my insurance company would not have approved them for the surgery. I would go to that hospital for any major thing I had to deal with because they are just a top hospital they have been consistently ranked as one of the top hospitals by US news for several years. I live 2 1/2 hours away but have met many patients from as far away as 5 or 6 hours because they were sent there for different procedures, one person I know comes from Port St Joe, Fl he has had GBS and has also had heart surgery. Good luck with your endeavors.
   — im3d2

January 4, 2009
I had mine 11/26/08 at University of Washington. They are great places because they are usually up to date on the latest treatment, my surgeon spent last summer in Europe studying other ways of dealing with weight loss and some of the problems that come with it.
   — ntssmith

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