could i have surgery if i have a cold

   — navymom1 (posted on August 19, 2007)

August 19, 2007
how close are you to your surgery date. i am sure that depending on what med's you are taking that it shouldn't be a problem, unless yu have a high fever or something else. Your dr, will be the only one who will be able to say yes or no. i wouldn't stress too much, I had a c-section on the verge of pnemonia. give your dr a call and ease your fears. best of luck
   — mccabesmom

August 20, 2007
It depends on a lot of factors; your fever, if you have one; where are you in the process of the cold; is it a cold or is it the flu; do you have a cough and is it persistent; how far are you from surgery? All of these paly a different factor in the surgeon's and anesthesiologist's decision to cancel surgery or not. If you are more than a week out, hopefully, you will be over the symptoms. I take zinc and vitamin C and rarely have colds or the colds I do have are much less severe and shorter in length. The bottom line is, it's the doc's call on cancelling surgery.
   — Elaine L.

August 21, 2007
depending on the severity of the cold, some doctors will cancell surgery. especially if you have a high fever or bad congestion in your chest. There could be complications w/ your breathing under anesthesia & most doctors are not willing to take the risk.As to your first replier, they may have done a c-section while she had pneumonia...but a c-section is usually done by injecting a local into your spine i think, it is not where you are completely under (asleep) so there is a difference there. usually unless your condition is life threatening the surgery will be held back. I was'nt sure if your Q. was general or if you have a cold and your surgery is near. If your date is approaching, try drinking lots of tea, water and try some vitamin c to help clear up the cold. Most colds start to clear within 4-5 days unless they are really severe. I don't think taking an antibiotic or cough syrup will affect anything as far as the surgery is concerned, but do not take aspirin based products like bayer @ least 2 weeks prior to surgery as they have blood thining agents / but tylenol is fine if you have pain associated with the cold. If you have any real concerns, i would just advise you to speak with your doctors nurse...hope all goes well and i have helped answer something for you ~Tiffany
   — tiffany E.

August 22, 2007
i had my wls rny back on feb 1 this year and i had a cold . the antiboitic the dr, give you will clean your system you'll ne fine. but i can say if you have congestion with a stufffy nose the g tube that inserts in your nose is going to make it hard to breath . the g tube is the worse thing.for surgery. good luck
   — yvettetas

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