Any suggestions on how to curb cravings?

I am 6 1/2 months post-op, Open RNY, down 105 pounds. Recently I have noticed that I am having BAD sugar cravings and general snacking issues. I don't know why this has started or what I can do to curb the cravings. The sugar craving is getting really BAD, and I don't dump on all sugars! if anybody has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated! I have done well so far and don't want to undo what has been done!    — Tammy K. (posted on January 22, 2001)

January 22, 2001
I find I get my sugar craving out of the way first thing in the morning. I eat 1/2 a container of Yoplait Fat Free yougart....the fruity ones. I've had some people tell me they don't eat these because they are too sweet......they sure kill my sugar cravings for me. Another thought might be to try some fruit...oranges, melons and such are pretty sweet. Good Luck!
   — tlg6056

January 22, 2001
Hi Tammy...welcome to the Sisterhood of Those That Do Not Dump! My sugar cravings usually hit around 'that time of month' and I have a few suggestions to get you through it: 1) eat a protien bar you can tolerate; 2) have a cup of coffee; 3) Go for a walk; 4) KEEP IT OUT OF THE HOUSE! If all else fails, indulge! But I indulge under the following circumstances: I have to drink 20 oz. of water first, get all my protien in, walk to the store to get my fix and I use portion control. Meaning if you want, say, a candy bar, get a Hershey's Minature instead and back away from the candy counter slowly and no one gets hurt! If you want a cookie, buy a small bag of the bite-sized kind instead of a box, eat a couple and give the rest away. Anyhow, if you are like me, when the craving hits and I don't satisfy it, I tend to eat everything else under the sun (well, not as much as I used too!) I'm still of the mind that eating one small piece of chocolate is better than eating 1/2 a block of cheese. Good Luck, God Bless and great loss. Don't beat yourself up!
   — Allie B.

January 22, 2001
Hi! I am also in the DON"T DUMP ON SUGAR SISTERHOOD. I find when I have those sweet cravings I eat just one bite and give the rest to a skinny family member. I have also found a really great protien bar, that's 21 gms protien, no sugar and no carbs. If I eat one a day it curbs any sweet cravings and gives me extra protien. I also found sugarfree chocholate covered rasins and I will have four at night before I go to bed. This works for me, 4 months since surgery and I am down 81 lbs from my heaviest. 34lbs to goal. Best of luck to you
   — Barbara S.

January 23, 2001
It isn't that I NEVER get sugar cravings, but I can survive them, as they are short-lived. But then, I take a large amount of pre-digested protein supplement, with very little sugar. When our bodies crave, it's a signal that there is a shortage, somewhere, of something, usually protein. But the body can only send one signal: BRING CALORIES! So, the fastest form of calorie is sugar. We get 100% of absorption of sugars, so it makes the body THINK it has nutrition on board. For a few hours, until it realizes that it still has nothing and sends the signal out again. When you are getting your basic 60g via supplement, you KNOW you have some on board. When the cravings hit again, I just increase by 30g until they back off again.
   — vitalady

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