Pregnant after lapband?

I just found out I am pregnant. I am 2 years post op I have lost 131 pounds 298 start 169 Now. Has this happeded to any on else? And if so how much weight did you gain with your baby?    — tjw94 (posted on March 9, 2006)

March 9, 2006
I have had 2 babies since my wls in 1997. I was told I had to wait at least 1 year post-op. I gained 10 lbs with the 1st and 19lbs with my youngest who is 6months old now. I have not lost the 19 lbs. , but they where well worth the slight gain.
   — ahdelaney

March 9, 2006
i found out i was pregnant 5 months out. she is healthy and fine and only gained 5 pounds at the end. you can e-mail me if you wish [email protected] tammi
   — tjjjx6

March 9, 2006
I gained about 24 pounds. Lost 15 of that after healing and while breastfeeding. It is very crucial that you get your fill removed so the baby can stay hydrated and get all the nutrition it needs.
   — spykitty

March 9, 2006
I became pregnant when I was around 1.5 years out. I gained 48 pounds. I have lost all but 16 pounds of it, but I don't eat right and have just now started exercising - my daughter is almost 10 months now. My suggestion to you is eat as healthy as you can and exercise (walk - don't start an exercise program you didn't do before) during your pregnancy. After your baby is born, breast feed if you can/or want. Breast feeding with help you lose your baby weight - and move as much as possible. My daughter loved taking walks in her stroller, so get out and do it as much as possible, after she gets here.
   — Shelia N.

March 10, 2006
Well, I did not have lap band, but i did have open Roux en y on September 26, 2001. The only problem i had during my pregnancy was that (because i had moved out of state and had no doc familiar with post RNY) my obstetrician told me that i could not watch what i ate because the baby needed nutrients as much as possible, so if i was hungry, i was told i had to eat. Of course, except for goodies, which i stayed away from anyway. But just eating stuff like yogert and cottage cheese and other stuff, i had gained over 45 lbs during my pregnancy. I had lost all the way down to 165 lbs, and had evened out at 180 before i got pregnant (i was 397 pre-wls). I was 229 lbs when i had my daughter, which i am still trying to get part of that off right now. I am at 215 right now. still much better than 397, especially at 5'9" tall. And she was a miricle baby because i had my tubes tied and for health reasons was unable to carry. So i feel blessed, just hate the extra lbs., but docs insisted that i was to eat..... hope this helps. Oh yea, and my pouch has stretched, be careful on that one too......... smaller meals more often always!!!!! Good luck. Kim
   — Kimberly Felan

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