Does anyone or has anyone weighed over 400 lbs prior to RNY?

I am in serious need to speak with someone who is 400+ before their RNY surgery. I am anxious, excited, nervous, and apprehensive on what to expect. I will be having my testing in 2 weeks and then the nutrition class the week after. My surgery is the Monday after Thanksgiving. I have been off caffeine since February and carbonated drinks since March. I was put on a carb free diet mid-July and have lost 45 lbs. I have sleep apnea, high blood pressure, and I am borderline diabetic. I also have gall stones so the gall bladder will be coming out. I am just curious of what to expect with someone my size. I am only 5'4" tall and as of 3 weeks ago I weighed 423 lbs. Is there anything special anyone could suggest for me to do? Thank you so much for your help.    — cmbirkey (posted on October 22, 2007)

October 22, 2007
Hi Melissa, If you go to the "Forums" site at the top of the OH website, click on "More Forums", then scroll through the "Weight Loss Related Forums" about 1/2 way down on the left; there's a forum for those with BMIs over 50. Maybe this would be helpful to talk with those like you?
   — obeseforever

October 22, 2007
Hi Melissa, I weighed 465 pounds 3 1/2 years ago when I had the RNY surgery. I was terrified something was going to go wrong and that I would die. Well I had prayed enough to keep me alive another 70 You will be fine sweety. If you want to write me my email addy is: [email protected], Best Wishes.........Mickey
   — MCraig3

October 22, 2007
I was 509 lbs the day of surgery. I was like you, anxious, excited, nervous, but not apprehensive. I wanted this surgery so badly. I also prayed a lot before hand because I have a beautiful girl (she was 12 at the time, now 13) and I didn't want to leave her by dieing. I was just so determined and had another lady on here that we prayed for each other and went through everything close to the same time. What you can expect, or rather what is possible after surgery is a lot of pain, BUT it's from the gas they have to pump you with in order to do the surgery laproscopically. The more often you get up and walk the halls, the pain leaves you almost instantly! I had idiopathic edema (full body), high blood pressure, gouty arthritis in my knee, and high cholesterol. I now only have high blood pressure although that is slowly disappearing. My gout and edema disappeared after about 1 month. My high cholesterol is now borderline high and still going down. Really listen at your nutrition class and take lots of notes, it will help you after the surgery. Start taking Biotin, 5000 mcg (2-3 capsules a day, you can buy it at Walmart) now, as you MIGHT experience hair loss. (not everyone does, but your hair and nails will LOVE the Biotin). Make dang sure you get in at the very least 70 mgs of protein each and every single day! Drink as much water as you possibly can. Make sure you rest after surgery (in between walking) as your body NEEDS to heal. Stay off the scale for at least a month as you will be retaining water and gas from the surgery and will be swollen until about 3-4 weeks out. After surgery don't get on the scale everyday as your weight WILL fluctuate! Only weigh yourself if you must about once every 2 weeks! When they say you can have regular food ONLY eat a few bites...wait about 5 mins and eat another few bites, trust me! LOL And last but not least, walk walk walk walk and more walking every single day! I am now 6 1/2 months out and have lost over 110 lbs. I'm loving life and more active than ever before. I love going out and shopping (even if it's just window shopping) going to the park and playing frisbee with my daughter etc...Enjoy life! Feel free to contact me and ask any questions, I'm here to answer anything! Good luck, God bless, and I'll see you on the losing side!
   — crystalsno

October 22, 2007
I weighed 457 pounds before surgery. My surgery was 07/27/07. After surgery I was in a lot of pain, but I USED that pain pump, let me tell you!!!! LOL In the hospital I walked and I did quite well. I lost 35 pounds 11 days out! Then I had a few bad turns...I developed dehydration...blood clots in my legs, which required another weeks' hospitalization (but I had a blood clot 10 years ago, so this was a possibility for me and does NOT happen to everyone) and my period, which was already out of whack, went more out of whack (normal with surgery) and I bled for 30 DAYS STRAIGHT and developed anemia!!!! My legs still feel like they have 1000 pound weights on them and I just went back to work today, but only will be working 3 days a week, 4 hours each day and believe me that is all I can handle!!! I am 3 months out, have only lost 30 pounds (I gained back weight due to the swelling in my legs), but I know I am better off in some ways than before surgery. I was becoming addicted to sugar and now I don't miss sugar at all!!! Of course I am worse off in that walking is a chore for me, as is showering and doing normal every day things. Even my pre-surgery size did not keep me down and I was always on the go, go, go!!! Now I can't "go, go, go" as much as I could before. I know I will get back to where I was (I hope), but it will take time. Pre-surgery I went for a sleep apnea test, but it was negative. I had NO other health diabetes, no high BP, nothing! I was VERY lucky! I wanted this surgery not only to lose weight obviously, but to keep from developing all the other issues that go along with it. My legs are just an issue. The only thing I did have pre-surgery was lymphedema in both legs, which I still have and is now worse with the clots. If only they made a body parts store where I could trade in my legs for some new ones! Of course I'm upset that I have not lost more weight by now, but 30 pounds is 30 pounds and I'm off the sugar habit. The rest will come. You will be fine and do fine if you follow ORDERS EXACTLY!!!! Good luck.
   — ALafferty

October 22, 2007
Hello Melissa My name is Lisa and I had the gastric sleeve done on June 21 of this year. I have lost a total amount of 125 pounds. Before wls I was 500+ and i have never felt better. I feel u are doing good so far. Yes i know if u have gallstones they r going to take it out.. That was not my case but I have heard from my surgeon. I have type 2 diabetes, sleep apnea, and now my sugar is where it should be at 110. I am so happy. My sleep apnea I feel is still there but i use the machine and believe me it helps. Well good luck with ure surgery and see u on the loosing side
   — LisaPellegrino2006

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