Did anyone else experience not wanting to eat after having the duodenal switch?

I had the switch on 9/8/08 and since the surgery, I do not have an appetite. I am actually having to make myself eat (my liquid diet). I just wondered if anyone else had experienced a similar situation after their surgery.    — newwinetbc (posted on September 18, 2008)

September 18, 2008
what is the duodenal switch? Jennie
   — zydeko47

September 18, 2008
I didn't have the duodenal switch (bypass), but I did have the vertical gastric sleeve - basically that is the first half of the bypass where about 90% of your stomach is removed. Later, if I stop losing, I can go back and have the rest of the bypass done, but often it isn't necessary. Anyway, back to the question. I had my surgery on 9/5/08 and I am having to force myself to eat as well. I just don't want anything - even water! I'm told it will get easier and it is probably because the stomach is swollen yet. I hope so. I'm really having trouble with the protein shakes - I really liked them at first, but now I am gagging all the time. So I'm going to try some different protein drinks I found at Good luck! I'd like to know how you are doing, if you want to keep in touch.
   — Wendy M.

September 19, 2008
I think this is very common even with RNY and VSG. Everything is swollen and cranky right now. I'm sure that it will get better and you will be able to eat more easily on down the road. Much good luck to you!
   — GlitterGal

September 19, 2008
Many RNYers aren't hungry for the first year or two either. I wasn't, but I ate anyway. I got something similar to hunger but nothing concrete that reminded me to eat. (Starving hubby and kids helped) You NEED to get in your calories though and keep taking your vits! Malabsorption issues with DS are much worse than RNY...and you need to get in your nutrition. Good luck with your journey....So many DSers are sooooooo happy with their surgery and the results. You guys get to eat carbs! I remember those! LOL
   — .Anita R.

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