5 weeks post-op of RNY and vomitting when I eat

I am 5 weeks post-op and I am unable to eat any regular foods. I was unable to do soft foods. I am still on liquids. I do drink my protein shakes at least 1 or 2 a day and take my vitamins. When I try to eat regular food is feels like is stuck and I end vomitting because it hurts. Does the vomitting stretch your pouch?    — Elena S. (posted on February 12, 2009)

February 12, 2009
You might be eating to fast...not chewing your food enough and eating too much...those are the three things that can make me vomit even still (5 years po) So try taking much smaller bites and focus on chewing it at least 15 to 20 times before swallowing it a little at a time...and stop eating when you aren't hungry after several small bites... Your eyes might stay much larger than your belly for a long long time! So you must listen to the pouch!
   — .Anita R.

February 12, 2009
Check with your doctor because when I was 5 weeks out my stoma was trying to close off. In case you are not sure what the stoma is, it is the small hole they make between your new pouch and the lower part of the intestine. Sometimes it is the types of food you are eating that irritates it, but sometimes your body it just trying to super heal itself. If it is your stoma, they can do a dilitation which is a day sugery procedure, and usually quite simple.
   — jen_kill

February 12, 2009
Hi there! I was going to say that you might be eating too fast, but since you said you were also unable to tolerate soft foods I would contact your surgeon's office and get checked. BUT, eating and drinking slow was and still is the hardest thing for me to do. As long as I concentrate I do fine, but if I get into a conversation I lose track and take bigger bites and swallow too much and ending up throwing up. I am 8 1/2 weeks post op. Good luck!
   — Fircrkr64

February 13, 2009
Hello --- was talking with my surgeon and something like this came up --- you might try vitamin B1 if you are chewing enough and not eating anything but a very small amount to begin with... If that doesn't help get back with your surgeon... Hope this helps. G.
   — GangaK

February 14, 2009
I only vomited when I ignored the full feeling and tried to eat a few more bites. Regular food needs moistening, so food should still be soft. Chicken feels very heavy unless I pulverize it chewing or add a sauce to moisten. I'm 9 weeks since surgery. Talk to your doctor about not tolerating soft foods... might be a problem.
   — lorannw

February 15, 2009
At 5 weeks, you should not be trying to eat regular food. It took me till at least 8 weeks before I could try regular food w/o throwing up or being very nausious. I also found that after wls, I have to watch what spices things are made with. At 8 weeks if I had anything with regular pepper, I would be sick for 3-4 days. I still get a real bad upset stomach if anything has pepper in it and sometimes still throw it up. Take it slow, eventually you will be able to eat almost anything. I am 11 mos. post op and have lost 90 lbs. Also, vomiting does not stretch your pouch. You should still be on slider foods at 5 weeks. It takes more than 5 weeks for your new stomach to heal. Don't get so ahead of yourself, you will get to eat again. Good luck, Paula B
   — paulajaneb

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