Pain/Burning Feeling in stomach

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow with my surgeon but wanted to know if anyone has experienced these symptoms: -burning/pain feeling in abdomen - worse during eating -have been having trouble having a bowel movement (since the pain started) -LOTS of stomach noises - louder and more than usual I had my gall bladder removed prior to surgery I have had extreme kidney stone issues - last time they had to be removed because they were so big...this does not seem to be the same pain I did have H.Plyori and took the medicine - prior to surgery Does this sound like an ulcer? I am going to be requesting that my doctor approve for an endoscopy so they can be sure everything is alright. A bit nervous. My surgery was May 18th and I went from 267 lbs. and now am 161 lbs.    — hamusa4 (posted on February 24, 2010)

February 27, 2010
Michelle, I hope your appointment went well. What did the doctor have to say?? Are you alright? Please update.
   — Jessica285

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