What programs does CIGNA accept? Lindora? Optifast?

I got my OFFICIAL denial from CIGNA in the mail last night. It says I can contact my local U.S. Department of Labor Office and my State insurance regulatory agency. They also gave me and application for IMR (Independent Medical Review) however, on the application it says for use when my HMO claims that the service is not medically necessary or is experimental. In all honesty, my PCP did warn me that they would want 6 months documented even though I only had three months (I quit because I thought I was "approved" and no longer needed it). I was the one who insisted that he put in the request because I "just knew" my records from 2003 would be sufficient. Now I'm wondering if I should fight this or just buckle down with (another) 6 month diet program. What programs does CIGNA accept? Lindora? Optifast?    — Roberta M. (posted on June 17, 2004)

June 17, 2004
Go to they will help you fight your insurance. Do not take NO for an answer...
   — Greta C.

June 17, 2004
I have Cigna PPO and they accepted Optifast as a medically supervised diet. But I think you need two. I'm not familiar with Lindora. I went on a low-calorie diet with the same dietician that supervised my Optifast plan. As long as you have documented two medically supervised diets with weekly weigh-ins for 24 weeks each within the year you are applying for coverage, you will be fine. There is a very helpful yahoo group called cignassqueakywheels. Best of luck and don't give up!
   — Teri F.

June 18, 2004
They will take anything that weighs you on a regular basis and is a formal/professional. I did mine thru my eating disorder therapist. I had Cigna. I was also denied until I included my therapist information with weights and dates included... Dont give up. You can check out the end of my profile for tips. The squeaky wheel gets the grease!!! ~Jennifer
   — Zankri

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