Anyone out there have the surgery with no bottom teeth?

My sister (age 67) is pre-op as well as myself. Her Dr.'s office called yesterday and said she MUST get bottom teeth before he will operate. Her problem is that her jaw has degenerated and it won't hold false teeth. She tried other means a few years ago and her body rejected them and she has learned to eat and chew with no bottom teeth. She has told the Dr.'s assistant that she is aware that it will pose a chewing problem, but is mentally prepared to eat soft food and puree'd food and carefully pick what she eats and do more chewing than the average person. She hasn't heard if he will change his mind, but I'm wondering if anyone out there has done this without teeth and what problems they have encountered?    — dinky (posted on November 11, 2005)

November 11, 2005
This is a new one on me. Your sister can't be the only pre-op with this issue, though. Have you asked this on the main message board? I can see the doctor's point (I must admit, I was curious why you asked), but surely this wouldn't necessarily be a dealbreaker. Could she talk to a dietician and see what options are out there? Good luck to her!
   — Jeanie

November 11, 2005
Maybe her dentist can get in contact with the surgeon and they can discuss her unique issue. Sometimes when two professionals talk together it has better results.
   — ChristineB

November 12, 2005
I had the surgery without any teeth but I do have dentures and I instantly felt your pain. Maybe you can get another DR. Or someone who is more sensative to your plight. Good Luck and I wish only the best for you.
   — Chelsealynn

November 14, 2005
I had surgery June 1, 2005. I have no jaw teeth just the front teeth. I am down 125 pounds, in less than 6 months. Yes, I have some problems chewing my foods, (meat) if it is to dry. I have learned to eat softer foods or just be prepared to chew very well, not that I really chew. I was told by my dentist to wait until I had surgery, lost the weight, and leveled off before I get partial plates, otherwise I would be waisting my money. I guess if you loose this much weight then everything shrinks. Talk to the Dr. again and try to come to a agreement of some sorts. Best of luck. Ardie Lap RNY 6-1-05 311/125/186
   — ArdieB

November 21, 2005
I had my teeth when I had my surgery but 1 year post-op I had my top teeth removed and had to wait 3 weeks tog et my denture. Then at 2.5 years out I lost my bottom teeth and again had to wait but this time it was 6 weeks for my denture. I had no problem with chewing I chewed with my gums. LOL. I still often remove my teeth before a meal as I find my bottom teeth hurt. I have no bone in my bottom of my mouth either but I use polident for my teeth to stay in and it works. My top teeth are really too big now as I have lost about 80 pounds since I got them. I habve to use polident on both my upper and lower teeth. I cannot see why a doctor would deny you surgery because you don't have dentures. If you must get a lower plate I would go for a temporary plate which is less expensive until you get further out from surgery. Usually a temp plate consits of the middle 6 or 8 teeth. I had one which was 6 teeth after my lower surgery after 6 weeks until could afford a permanent denture. I am now 4 years2 1/2 months out. Good luck. Bobbi 322/148/130
   — bzerm01

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