Sores in my nose.

I am 7 months out from open RNY and keep getting these painful sores in my nose one right after the other.Has anyone heard of a deficiancy that might cause this? Any answers would be great. Thanks in advance Pam    — sunnie (posted on May 2, 2006)

May 2, 2006
It sounds as if you are getting cold sores in your nose. Talk to your doc about starting Valtrex or something similar for the herpes simplex virus. I try to control my cold sores by taking my multivit, Biotin, L-Lysine and the protein I am told to take in which is 80 grams per day. Good luck, Shelly
   — scharlier

May 2, 2006
Pam, Could be allergies too. Go to a ear, nose, and throat specialist.
   — the7thdean

May 2, 2006
Are you on CPAP? If so it may be you will need to use heated humidfication with it.
   — dcox94

May 4, 2006
Pamela, I started getting the exact same things in my nose after surgery. I went to an ENT and found out that I had developed allergies. I am not sure that it is surgery related though it could be. My doc prescribed a nose spray. I also use an antibiotic ointment applied with a Qtip and it works wonders. Good luck.
   — Michelle_S

May 4, 2006
I agree with Shelley... sounds like cold sores...if they recur in the same place most likely is sun, illness, stress, and your period can bring them out... or for no reason at all. Valtrex is the best if you are getting them that often might mke sense to take it everyday to prevent them or you can take them as soon as you feel one coming on...good luck!!!
   — SteffieBear15

May 7, 2006
Yes, I have discovered it to be a deficiency of B-12. I was taking a shot once a month but changed it to once every two weeks and I no longer get sores.
   — joeandteri

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