Open RNY 5/14 - Black bowel movements??? Normal or Not!!!

   — StormChaser77 (posted on May 23, 2008)

May 23, 2008
Yes, normal.
   — nursenut

May 23, 2008
Yes, normal... body is just getting rid of blood in intestinal tract from surgery. Also normal is BM with tar like consistency
   — Jeanne Aldrich

May 23, 2008
Never had black bm's but have been a golden color ever since, it's been since Oct. 31st of last year, looks like a baby's bm. Kind of weird to be talking about, smile, but necessary.
   — PAWLLA L.

May 23, 2008
No it is not always normal. I had it one time and found I had a bleeding ulcer from too many anti-inflamatories. It can be very serious. Don't ignore it. Some vitamins can cause black stools also.
   — Claudia C.

May 23, 2008
Black bowel movements can be from old blood or from iron supplements. Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

May 23, 2008
I had it too - lap rny 5/5/08. very loose like diahrrea and it lasted about 1 week or so.
   — bikermama

May 23, 2008
Normal. My RYN was aslo 5/14/08. On to of that, if you drink the "blue" dye to detect leaks, it will turn your BM dark looking. This should stop within 2-3 weeks after surgery, unless you use the food coloring (as I do). I aslo think that we maybe "washing out" the "incrusted deposits from our bowels.
   — H.A.L.A B.

May 27, 2008
I never had a problem with anything like that. I think you should address it and make sure it is something that your body should be doing.
   — nascar_angel_3_2003

May 27, 2008
Black Bm's could be the sign of a serious Gi bleed and should be investigated by your DR. It can also be from iron meds if you take them but I would suggest you get some lab work done.
   — tmasten

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