How long to wait to travel after surger?

I have planned a two-week driving vacation that would start 3 weeks after surgery. I will discuss with my physician for sure, but I'm wondering if others have traveled within a month and would support this plan or give advice that I should wait.    — palane (posted on June 5, 2008)

June 5, 2008
If you're feeling well and have no complications then there is no reason why you should not travel. You'll still be going through the adjustment period and will not be able to eat much...but that's the way it's supposed to be. ALso you will probably be more tired than usual but if you can get your rest you should be fine. I had my bypass on Jan 14 and 5 weeks later flew to Mexico for a week...I just got back from an Alaskan cruise. No problems whatsoever.
   — cjjordan

June 5, 2008
Hi, I would not be traveling in the post op time frame. Have you ever thought about complications like blood clots in legs or your lungs. Post op peroid is 2 months. But I would talk to your doctor first. I would not risk it my self. I had a blood clot 2 times within the post op time frame.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 5, 2008
I live in Ct and 2 months after I had my surgery I flew to TN. I had no problems at all.
   — Joanc

June 5, 2008
I traveled 2 weeks after my surgery. I just brought lots of bottled water in a cooler with me to stay hydrated. I also brought a pillow with me to hold against my incisions since there were lots of bumps. I did fine and had a wonderful time.
   — Karen M.

June 5, 2008
Not the best choice, but I did travel to a family function three weeks after surgery. I packed a cooler with everything I needed to eat. When we got there, I went to the grocery and restocked my cooler and got ice. I could not eat anything they served, I could not eat anything my family did going ot coming. I got sick on the way back and went to three emergency rooms before one knew what to do with a bariatric patient. I had got some food stuck in the pouch, the only thing I ate other than from my cooler was a grilled hamberger and then maybe 4 bites. It was a frozen patty, and it was poorly ground so it stuck. They got it out and I never had the guts to tell my sergeon that I did the trip and had a problem, but be prepaired, if you are hell bent on doing it.
   — William (Bill) wmil

June 5, 2008
If it were wouldn't do it...just because you won't enjoy yourself as much, cause you'll still be going through takes longer that that to heal....inside have to decide....God bless with your surgery....Linda
   — LindaA

June 5, 2008
2 weeks driving - I found being in a vehicle for extended periods very painful, especially when I was getting off pain meds and my digestive tract was starting to produce gas- my surgeon said the quicker I could get off the meds the faster I would heal and get my system moving. Walking and other moving around was good - driving in cars- not so good til about my 3-4week.
   — Cdavis226

June 5, 2008
Remember the post op peroid is 2 months. Iwould not do it. Your legs being stagnate in the car for road trips is just asking for a blood clot. It has happen to me. Plus you have to let your let your body heal and you don't know how you are going to be eating. I really could not enjoy myself with medical background and my history. Please be very careful and talk to your doctor. Dawn
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 6, 2008
Only one sure answer to this question. Ask the Doctor. Please do not assume. The blood clot issue can be very dangerous. Get the Doc's ok.. Safe traveling..
   — Ira Sansolo

June 7, 2008
My surgeon told me it was acceptable to take a driving trip but to make sure you stop frequently and stretch and walk around due to blood clots. I was told not to fly for at least a month after surgery but driving was fine.
   — redlilies

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