SUPPORT MEETINGS IN NO. CALIFORNIA (between sacramento & vallejo area)???

I am looking for a support meeting somewhere in the Solano county/Sacramento area. I thought I found one in Sacramento, but not sure if it's still up and running or not! If you know or attend the Sacramento 4th Saturday meetings, can you please advise. If I travel that far, I want to make sure they meetings in fact do happen on the 4th Saturdays.    — hatda (posted on January 9, 2008)

January 9, 2008
I attend the one from Kaiser in Sacramento. Kaiser in Pt. West off Exposition Blvd. (1650 Responce Road) is meeting on Jan. 26, 2008 at 11am.... No one need to know if you are a member or not...just sit in for the info....
   — pvgal2007

January 9, 2008
Hi! I need to know the same thing. I had RNY on December 17th and I am so alone here in Fairfield. Luckily, there are three people at the high school where I teach who have done this before, so they are some help, but otherwise, I'm kind of isolated. If you like, email me and we can try to set up something ourselves if there's nothing out there?
   — marlamiata

January 10, 2008
I am having surgery through Sacramento Bariatrics and they host support group meetings monthly. Does your surgeons office offer any support options??
   — BrookLayne

January 10, 2008
I am having surgery through Sacramento Advanced Lap./Dr Waldrep, in Roseville and we have a support group meeting the second Saturday of the month at Sutter Roseville Hospital from 3-5 pm. It' s big group.
   — Nanci H.

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