Will I be able to travel by air two weeks after lapriscopic by-pass surgery?

   — hudsonse (posted on December 10, 2009)

December 11, 2009
You should do fine,I,m getting open DS surgery on the 24 and flying back on the 1st Jan.
   — rebecca W.

December 11, 2009
Probably a good question to ask your surgeon. Personally, at 2 weeks postop, I wasn't feeling like going anywhere. (RNY)
   — [Deactivated Member]

December 11, 2009
I have to disagree with both the first and second poster, sort of. I am surprised that neither one told you to ASK YOUR DOCTOR. (Sorry for the caps but I wanted it to stick out. :) GOOD LUCK on your surgery.
   — Jaime Breckenridge

December 11, 2009
You should ask your doctor. How long is the flight? You need to make sure you don't sit for long periods of time there is still a chance of blood clots. I am not sure you will be feeling like traveling either. Everyone is different but your energy level is very low at two weeks out, even at a month out. Good luck. Have a great day.
   — dsquire

December 11, 2009
I agree with asking your surgeon....mainly because of the chance of blood clots. You deal with that possibility even without having had surgery, so it's more of a concern just afterwards. But I have to disagree with the posters who say your energy level is low and you probably wouldn't feel like flying....from day one, my energy level has been right through the ceiling! I went to the store and went shopping on my way home from the hospital, because I needed a different type of dressings for my incisions! And I haven't taken a nap in over 9 months!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

December 12, 2009
If you have no complications and your dr says ok then see how you feel when its time. My instruction packet when I left the hospital said if you had a distance to drive, get out of the car at least every 30 min and walk around the car 4 times and then it said they would not be responsible if you got blood clots. Airplane travel can cause bloodclots without surgery so you might be walking the isles alot. ASK YOUR DR. Have a safe trip
   — suzette N.

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