need diet list can anyone help

   — SILA G. (posted on June 5, 2003)

June 4, 2003
Your question is VERY vague...I'd suggest a good nutritionist without more info.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 5, 2003
i was goign to email you a list of phase 1,2 etc. that i got online, but your profile is not available, no email addy so i would sugest oyu look at diffetrent wls sites and see what they offer, mnay offer good lists of sujested foods, but i agree your dr and his staff should be able to help you.
   — janetc00

June 5, 2003
Look at my profile. If this doesn't help, email me. Talk to your dietician, too. They are the best people to ask. :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

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