
I am 7 weeks post op from having an RNY, and have been experiencing problems with constipation since beginning my vitamin regimen. Does anyone have any suggestions or recommendations for any non constipating multi vitamins that are available for purchase? Thanx!    — robin.s2000 (posted on January 17, 2006)

January 16, 2006
Hi Robin....I had the surgery on Nov. 17th and I have the same problem...I have found a product named LiquaFiber from Global Health. It requires only 2 ozs of liquid to mix it with and it has no taste so you can mix it in with your protein drink or water and you take it 2 to 5 times a day depending on your body. They sell it in bottles of 16.5 ozs and you get 2 bottles for $11.99. They also have a calcuim citrate with Vitamin D powder which is also tasteless...hope this helps you and good luck!!! Carrie
   — HubbysBrat

January 16, 2006
Robin- it isnt usually Vitamins what cause the constipation, but the types of foods you are eating. Do you take Iron? That usually makes it easy to "go", however, I would try " coffee ", at least 1 cup in the morning, full leaded. I know many surgeons advise no caffeine, but 1 cup a day won't hurt you, however ask first. MOM works in small amounts, but do NOT stop taking the vitamins, they aren't the culprets! At 7 weeks, your body is adjusting to many changes, and your Potty habits are just one of them. Is there one food that triggeres your evacuation? That you are allowed to have? If so, eat it more often. I know, I had to learn that drinking my protein drink for beakfast, followed by 14 oz or coffee did the trick for me, since I refuse to take anything else to make me " go. It is trial and error at this juncturel. Take a leap of faith and try different combinations- you just might be surprised. blessings Cindi -217#
   — DollyDoodles

January 16, 2006
Someone wrote: constipation a person needs fast relief and stool softeners and fiber just don't work.... it takes too long. I prefer to use an enema. I know its kind of gross but it works. I used to have such a hard time with having a BM. But since I started adding more fiber rich foods and veggies and a little fruit I usually go every day or every other day. So on those occasional times when I havent had a BM in 3-4 days I am miserable and I reach for a Fleet. Kym Another Wrote: I feel like a bowel historian lol. I am 37 and had bowel movement trouble since I was 16. I went to doc after doc about it and heard the usual drink more water eat more fiber etc. I wound up taking xlax for years for relief. Finally they said oh you have IBS and put me on zelnorm and miralax at the same time. That helped for a bit then stopped. The gastro told me I have no clue what else to do, so back to the x lax I went. We moved out of country to Panama and they don't have x lax here, so I thought well I will try a doc here. He put me on Glisulin 500 (metformina) I thought he was crazy, but low and behold no x lax for almost a year now. There was no IBS, it all had to do with insulin resistance and the ability to convert. I had my GB 12/12 and I am still taking the glisulin and so far I have had no problems with bowel movements. I was just so amazed that I had spent all those years miserable and all it took was for somebody to look outside the bowel. I hope this helps since alot of us who are overweight have problems with insulin resistance. HOPE ONE OF THESE HELP YOU... ID START WITH THE ENEMA TILL I GOT THE OTHER MEDICATION MENTIONED... iD TRY ANYTHING IF IT WERE ME...GOOD LUCK ! FLO
   — Flo

January 16, 2006
Hi, I am 10 weeks post op, same problem, I thought it might be from all of the protein intake (and basically not eating anything greasy to help with that..) so I bought some chewable fiber pills from the drugstore.. and they did the trick.. look for the ones that are sugarfree.. I think it was FiberChoice or something like that.. Good luck, April
   — April

January 16, 2006
I too had the same problem and the doctor advised it was do to the increase in protein. I have since found what works for me to increase fiber in my diet and water and exercise. It was recommended to use colace or peri-colace for the occasional resistant BM. I also have found that adding natural borage/flax oil helps also it has a nutty flavor and is kept in my fridge and tastes great on oatmeal and in yogurt. You want to get it in the bottle and not the gelatin form. It has improved my skin and hair tremendously plus the added benefit for us women with the flax oil.
   — 1968 Loser

January 17, 2006
I had (and sometimes still have) that problem. I use Laci Le Beau Super Dieters tea. I like the lemon/mint with a little Splenda. I drink it before bed and "go" first thing in the AM. It has never failed me.
   — Deborah G.

January 17, 2006
My doctor told me to take Colace once a day and it really help. Iron can cause you to be constipated. I have to take 2 iron pills a day so the colaces really works. You can buy it at any drug store.
   — melissagarcia

January 17, 2006
There are several things that might be at work here. You didn't say which vitamins you are taking. If you are using ferrous sulfate iron, it can constipate, as well as damage the pouch, and may not absorb well. There are other irons that do not constipate. Calcium carbonate can also lock things up and is not well absorbed. Are you avoiding all fats & oils or just using normal amounts? We all need SOME. Are you gettting in nuts, grains, seeds? Those are good things in moderation. And then water. As in WATER. 64 oz of it, not counting whatever other fluids you get. Bananas, milk, rice are all constipators. Some multi vitamin formulations use constipating iron, some don't. As you can see, I've been chasing this problem for many years. I take a generic of colace (never peri-colace), 4 per night at the same time, Miralax (which is Rx, and safe, daily, for life, according to my GI doc), and then, as one person mentioned, a cup of hot coffee, usually containing protein. I just know it has to be FIRST thing. AFter food does no good, for me. If I follow my rule of 4, I can usually expect some sort of result. water, 4 stool softeners, Miralax, hot drink.
   — vitalady

January 17, 2006
Hi! you got a lot of great answers here. Just a head up...My surgeon said not to any 'fiber' products early out (I think it expands in your pouch...can't remember...its been a while). I had horrible constipation early on. My surgeon took me off of iron for two weeks. I did two tablets of colace a day and used glycerin suppositories daily. By about 3 months out...once I normalized my diet more, it wasn't so much of a problem...till then, I had the suppositories available. Also, I use the iron from Bariatricadvantage. Its especially formulated for post ops. Good luck!
   — Rachelq

January 17, 2006
Hi Robin, Well let me start by saying welcome to your new journey. Although you have been given a lot of good advice let me tell you this journey is a total trial and error and you will have to go through it to see what, if anything works for you. I have a horrible time with constipation and have tried everything under the sun. From laxatives to fiber to protein nothing worked. I was told to never drink caffine again because it is an appetite stimulant and most likely will cause munchies so be careful. Fiber too be careful with be cause it can cause blockage. I found at Henry's ( a Whole foods market) this herbal tea by TRIPLE LEAF TEA it's in a red or green box and the tea is called SUPER SLIMMING or ULTRA SLIM. I like the taste of the first one best. It works very naturally and is gentle so I don't have cramping and pain. Some of the bigger grocery stores sell it as well. The herb in it that has the laxative affect is SENNA. You can get it in pill form as well. I have not tried it in pill form I like the tea plus it's part of my fluids. I hope this helps. Take care and God Bless. Sonja Lima San Diego, CA Open RNY 9/9/04 ~334/282/163
   — Son-Son

January 18, 2006
I am 2 1/2 years post op and have dealt with a lot of constipation over the years. LOL! It could be because you are not drinking enough water. My doctor told me to drink at least 3 bottles of water a day plus mint tea to help with the digestion. Also I notice I get constipated when I have too much Fats in my diet. I use suppositories to help alleviate the pain. But I have been sticking with the water and mint tea and things have been much better. P.S. I don't take vitamins on a regular basis so that's wht I think it may have more to do with your diet
   — msferret6

January 18, 2006
I am 4.5 weeks post op from RNY and having the same problem and it is all due to the NeoNatal multi vitamin with iron which is the real culprit. I have found that 1 oz or 30cc's of Milk of Magnesia at night works best...also, more liquids help
   — ash1218

January 18, 2006
I had the same problem! My doctor made me add flax seed to my yogurt, and make sure I get a little fat each day. I also have to take a stool softener! I am thirteen months post op.
   — Novashannon

January 18, 2006
Also pay attention to your fluids. I had trouble with constipation and difficulty fecating (doing the 2!)and the dr. advised me up my fluids. This was kinda hard to do being that I could only take 4 oz at a time but it helped.
   — jforten

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