Belching 16 months post-op and pain?? Anyone else???

I'm 16 months out and I've lost 167 lbs, down to 131 lbs. I'm still losing weight and keep a very healthy lifestyle and exercise. In the last several month (3 to be exact) I've noticed I belch really bad, yes, after eating, drinking, etc. and just do it - loud and embarrassing - I also get horrible pains that are in my chest, stomach, shoulder blades especially after a small glass of wine (rarely drink only 3 glasses since surgery), was in pain the whole night, certain foods, and sometimes, I can't stand up straight from the massive pain and my stomach bloats horribly that I have to undo my pants. I've had an endoscopy, nothing, no hernia, no ulcer, no leaks...has anyone else had this problem, I feel like I am a freak in a way and the girl who cried wolf, but it is there and I even still have a problem with food making my heart race, feel bad for about an hour or less sometimes. I don't know what to do - okay, I started to smoke again, under tremendous stress, mom passed away, dad and uncle moving in with me, broke up with boyfriend of 8 years, paying my fathers expenses while trying to make mine and I'm only 43! Was not expecting this - glad they are coming to live here, but it has been a heck of last 3 months. Suggestions anyone????    — mmarra2001 (posted on January 7, 2009)

January 7, 2009
A couple of things should be checked: 1. Your gallbladder if you still have one. The symptoms that you describe are very much like those of a gallbladder attack. 2. Get your heart checked. I found after losing a lot of weight and trying to exercise harder that I was getting discomfort in the chest area. Turns out I had arterial blockage and had to have 5 bypasses. 3. Belching is not uncommon. Certain foods in certain combinations (if varies from person to person)can cause this. Try to avoid drinking while eating. Drink after you eat, it might help or at least minimize the problem.
   — Robert Hensley

January 7, 2009
I'm not sure about the belching, but the other symptoms remind me of when I had gallstones. Have you had your gallbladder removed? I used to get those pains after certain food and definitely after some alcohol. Even now with my gallbladder gone, I get some beginning symptoms after I consume alcohol. Weird. -Lechita p.s. congrats on your amazing weight loss!
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 7, 2009
I agree, this has every symptom of gallbladder issues. Please have it checked-I just went through this with my DH and you have just about every symptom. Good luck!
   — Msdragonz

January 7, 2009
Thank you all for your answers, I did forget to mention that I had my gallbladder removed about 22 years ago and yes, these pains feel like the same thing, something you don't forget. I'm at a lost. Had an ulcer too years ago, again, the same symptons.
   — mmarra2001

January 7, 2009
Pancreanitis will cause similar symptoms.
   — trible

January 8, 2009
I hate guessing at peoples symptoms...but since you've been to a doc and they found nothing (which by the way, doesn't mean NOTHING is wrong...You KNOW something is wrong!)...There are a few you could look at yourself for now...1. over eating will cause all of the symptoms you have especially if some of that food contains sugar or simple carbs (like the wine)...It might be a combo of dumping and overeating...I have done this myself at big holiday dinners or at family gatherings when we all sit at the table and I tend to graze... I have taken a prevacid when wine didn't sit right with me and that helps tremendously! 2. It also has a slight ring to hypoglycemia...or the beginnings of it...It wouldn't hurt to check your HG A1c..and see what your blood sugar averages have been... 3. A partial blockage that cannot be easily seen with many tests...I know of several people who felt the way you did and the tests kept missing the crimp in the intestines and it was finally picked up when a caring doc did not give up on his patient and continued to look for the problem! Sometimes it takes months to find a blockage and if it eventually does not work out on it's own, it can be devastating... 4. Smoking is so harsh on your pouch, that if you can find a way to it! The patch or the gum is better than having nicotine in your lungs and pouch! I was a smoker for 24 years....and I KNOW how hard it is to quit...It's also the reason I became MO to begin with...I gained some 100 lbs after I quit smoking...So I say this with complete understanding of how hard it is...but how important it is at the same time to try to quit with all your being! Here's the reason why... "Nicotine in tobacco of any sort (smoked or chewed) damages the lining of blood vessels and also causes them to constrict (narrow). This can prevent enough blood from reaching the anastomosis (connection) between your jejunum (intestine) and your new stomach pouch. If this blood supply is damaged there's a higher chance of having a leak at the anastomosis - the most common cause of death after a gastric bypass. The poor blood supply can also cause ulcers to form at the anastomosis months or more after surgery in patients who have started smoking again. These ulcers can burrow all the way through the intestine and leak. Even without a leak, they often won't heal until you stop smoking again." Taken from Maine Medical Center Keep a journal of when things bother you and what it was you ate...You might be able to figure it out yourself...or with a journal your doc might recognize what you need to do! Tell him you are smoking again too! Be prepared for a lecture! Hugs
   — .Anita R.

January 8, 2009
Michele, First, congrats on your huge weight loss. That is quite an accomplishment in 16 months. Find a new doctor and have your heart checked first, then the gall bladder. It does sound more like a heart problem. I do hope I'm wrong. Your gall bladder could be removed and the symptoms might be much less or gone altogether but I don't think so. You also have had some major stress events in your life so you are trying to deal with them the best you can. Starting to smoke again was a mistake. Now you just have to quit again. You first need some time to yourself. You need time to deal with your mom's death. Then you broke up with your bf of 8 years; another big loss. Stress again. Now Dad and Uncle. WOW! I'm 54 and I don't know anyone who could handle all that at once. But do get checked out. If it is your heart, it could be from all the stress. If your father and uncle are close to 65 they should start collecting their Social Security while they can. Do either of them work? If you would like to talk more please email [email protected]; I check my email daily. God Bless You, you are in my prayers, vinnigirl, retired RN
   — vinnigirl

January 8, 2009
Hi! I will be 6 months post-op Lap RNY and have almost the same issues regarding the pain, although mine is more on my right side just at the bottom of my ribcage and a little higher. I too thought mine was gallbladder except it has been removed almost 21 years ago. I have not figured it out ..but I also have kidney stones quite regular so that has ben a bigger pain literally so I have been focused on that. I have not drank any alcohol and eat mainly protien. Just had mozzerella cheese and now have the pain. I am keeping a food and pain journal so that I can see what really triggers this if anything. Like I said though I also have the kidney stones and other things going on so thay are all part of the puzzle. Good luck and congrats on the weight loss, I have 24 lbs. to go to goal, not too bad considering all of my medical roadblocks I do not think. Remember to pat yourself on the back, as we all need to have that self love.
   — *****GIGS *******

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