Working on day 3 Pre-Op Liquid Diet , having tough time?

I know the purpose of the 5 day liquid pre-op is so the liver can shrink, I think Im doing ok but Im worried because I know if I do bad they wont be able to do laproscopic and they'll have to do open and Im scared enough as is let alone to worry about this now ? doing the best I Can, feel like having a little snack other than liquid...? Any suggestions    — barry l. (posted on January 3, 2010)

January 3, 2010
I only had to do a 2 day liquid diet, but I struggled the first day. I had chicken noodle soup w/out the noodles as my main substance. I would suggest making yourself as busy as possible and the time will pass. The day before my surgery i spent the day reading a book and floating in a friends pool. The day went by quickly and I wasn't near my refrig.
   — Amy Smith

January 3, 2010
I am one month surgery and will have a 3 day liquid diet as well. Some one said tha if you are having loads of problems just take what ever you are craving and just take one bite and chew it well and then spit don't swallow. I don't know if it will work but I think if I have difficulties I will be trying it for sure. Hope this helps you.
   — OntarioSilk

January 4, 2010
I found a three pound bottle of Protein at COSTCO. I mix it with jello or you can use other liquids. It is quite good and it will give you the required protein which you will need. It gives you 26 grams of protein per serving and is quite good. I am two weeks out and have switched over to mostley liquids a few days ago. You will be on a diet such as that after the surgery so get used to it now and you will be steps ahead.
   — Jim Christian

January 4, 2010
Stick to the liquid diet for the time your Dr. told you to and you will be fine, I know you are really worried with all your posts. but like all of us said many times, you will be fine
   — FSUMom

January 4, 2010
Barry, I had a 10-day liquid diet and thought I was going to die! I was on a Carnation Instant Breakfast plan, having 5-6 of them/day and nothing else. Days 6 and 7 were the absolute worst. I thought I was going to eat my arm! I did have an egg around day 7. I lost about 13 pounds though, so just keep it up. You are doing great and almost to day five!!! Good job!
   — Melissa C.

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