how fast will someone lose the pounds

I am oneweek post op and I lost 14 lbs in the first 4 days but nothing after why?    — bntfive (posted on November 2, 2005)

November 2, 2005
Your body is losing at it's own pace. Don't get too hung up on the scale or you will make yourself upset and stressed. You might want to focus on a tape measure and your clothes as a guide to your success. It is alot less stressful and kind of fun.
   — shoutjoy

November 2, 2005
I know what you are feeling - I am 1 month post op and have stalled for 4 days now. I am not doing anything different - but the scale isn't moving. You can't get wrapped up in the numbers. Like someone else posted - look at other things -the tape measure - your clothes - your jewlery. My jewlery was the first place I noticed changes. I can no longer wear a diamond ring I bought a few years ago - it falls off. Other things -rings and braclets are getting looser. Look for things like that that show you progress. Hang in there - it will come off!
   — akirsch

November 2, 2005
You will have times where your body needs to play catch up with the loss so during this time you will not see the scale move. What you will see is you losing inches so keep track of your measurements. Only weigh yourself once a week, usually in the morning rather than daily. I have had a couple of stalls already at 5 weeks and each time I kept saying that this surgery will fail and I will be the only one that it will not work for, but it will. So rest, drink your fluids, and take one day at a time. Shelly
   — scharlier

November 2, 2005
Patricia, your body has been put in shock with the surgery, anesthesia and lack of food, it needs to rest and catch up. Don't worry you are doing fantastic, many post-ops worry about this, try to relax. I didn't stall until week 3 and stalled for 2 weeks, however, on week 6 I lost six lbs and have continued to lose something every week until the past month where I'll stay at the same weight for 2 weeks and then lose between 2-4 lbs, but it's expected as we get closer to goal. Congrats on your surgery and welcome to the Loser's Bench. Dana
   — cajungirl

November 3, 2005
I lost 14 lbs the first week following my surgery, and then stalled for several days. I was so depressed!! I just knew it wasn't going to work for me like it had others. However, I am now 4 weeks post op and have lost 26 lbs as of Monday. You will start losing again! For the first 2 weeks, I weighed every day--don't do that. It only upset me. For the past 2 weeks, I have only weighed once a week, and it is much easier on the emotions. Hang in there!! Before long, your clothes will be getting too big and friends will start to notice your weight loss!
   — tmathis

November 3, 2005
LOL - it took me a month to lose thirty pounds, and since I only lose ten pounds or less every month. Do not look at a few days, look at loss over a week or a month! Everybody is different, and we all lose at different rates. I think you are doing well to have lost fourteen ounds in a week!!!!!
   — Novashannon

November 3, 2005
I know it is hard to do, but don't get on those scales everyday. Before my surgery I threw away my scales. I only weigh at my doctors office. I am 20 weeks out and don't go back to see my doctor now until January. But I go back to his office each month on my anniversary and weigh in. As long as you are doing what you were instructed to do, don't worry about how much, worry about getting in enough protein, water, exercise and don't forget to take your vitamins. When you go and weigh in each month, you will have a big surprise and it makes all your hard work worth it. Weighing everyday only makes you depressed when it doesn't move. So stop for yourself.
   — Patricia C.

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