can a new mom qualify for surgery?

hi i am a mother of 5 girls ages 7mos. to 17yrs old i am on ssi disability for anxiety and depression plus i see a therapist and psychiatrist. i'm on 1 med. wellbrutron and i'm functionong pretty good. the therapy helps the most plus my belief in god. my husband supports my decision to have surgery i am 130lbs over weight i am anursing assist but i stopped wking and excercising even difficult to walk because of back pain joint pain achilis tendonitis, short of breath, and the more weight i gain the bigger my breast get they bra size 50 now. i canit bend to pick up things when i stand in line at store i have shift my weight because my legs and bones hurt ive been dieting off and on for 18 yrs. my weight blew up after each pregnancy. mt doc says i need to lose weight so he referred me to nutritionist that i have seen for ab out 2 yrs. i yo yo diet all the time i can't keep off more then 20-30lbs for 6 mos. i am surprised that many people tell me i should do plus size modeling i am a size 20-22 3x-4x and i am photogenic and dont look as big as i really am because i,m 5'9. i am new to this website and new to the internet also i also have acid reflux, ibs, and in 2004 i had gallbadder removed . i live in california bay area . i don't want to wait a year and i only know 2 hospitals in my area stanford med and ucsf but i dont know who accepts mediCal i can also switch to bluecross/mediCal which is easier or quicker my pmp accepts both and i am sceduled for a physical in oct 06. please help.    — r4life (posted on September 27, 2006)

September 27, 2006
I too have similar health issues and psychological issues, and am on ssdi. Went through diet hell for years, then gave up. I was approved for the surgery through Medical Assistance after going through a nutritionist for 6 months to prove I have a problem losing the regular way. I have my surgery in 15 days, and am very excited about the change in my life; I know it changed my brother's life, he's in So Cal. Good Luck!
   — vosh

September 27, 2006
You need to check your body mass index...most insurances require a 40 + . There is one on the hme page here. Good luck. Rawnie
   — southernnmdreamer

September 27, 2006
My daughter was only 10 months when I started looking in to WLS. I had mine done in the states, and having a baby was never an issue. Best of wishes to you and your decision.
   — Dawn1

September 27, 2006
I don't know anything about MediCal but I do know that Medicare will cover the surgery, and you should have Medicare if you are getting SSDI. With your health history, you should be able to qualify for the surgery through Medicare. You do have to use a Center of Excellence as deemed by the American Surgeons of Bariatrics (go to and click on centers of excellence for the list). I battled the same 20-30 lbs for years and then all of a sudden they stayed and more kept piling on, a lot of it because of medications I was on. I went through all of the things they required, which was a lot..including a psych eval, and had my surgery 3 months ago. From the standpoint of someone who has anxiety and depression as well, make sure that you make the proper adjustments for the medications you need to take if you decide to have the surgery. I've been on a roller coaster because I was unable to take my one med for the past few months as it upset my stomach. Also, don't be afraid of the psychological testing. It's to make sure that you are mentally able to understand what this surgery is doing to you, your body, your family and your life. They may suggest that you attend a support group. If they do, then do it. Everything you can do to get closer to surgery and a healthier life is worth it. Good Luck
   — oceanrayne

September 28, 2006
Hi, I am a mother of 2 girls one is 3 1/2 and the baby was only 7 month when I had my surgery, when I applied to my insurance she was only 4 month old, you can have this surgery, just be ready I found that I am more energetic now and can run after my daughter which is tires me really quick. Other then that I did not have any complecations and this surgery saved my life I would do it again if I have to in a heart beat. Good luck to you and I hope your insurance will pay. God Bless
   — olga8

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