How long after surgery should I be able to come off insulin?

   — dianepic (posted on February 25, 2008)

February 25, 2008
It varies but it should be shortly after within a few weeks I would say or sooner. Talk to your primary doc! Best of luck to you!
   — Ambitious

February 25, 2008
i am three months out and still take some long acting at night. i was taken off at the hospital but then a few weeks later my sugers went up a bit so my doc put me on a liitle bit of insulin. he does expect me to be off soon and my sugers are a really good. good luck!!!

February 25, 2008
Hi, Maria Sanchez here. I might have a product (Dr. recommended) that will help you stabilize your insulin sooner. Contact me and I have info you can take to your doctor.
   — bariatricdivalatina

February 25, 2008
I was off insulin on the second day in the hospital. They gave me two shots the first two days and it all levelled out by the third day. Amazing if you ask me...But we are all different. It's very fast with most people, I noticed. Good luck
   — .Anita R.

February 25, 2008
I just spoke with my physician about this and he (PC provider) will withdraw it gradually. I take 10 units NPH regular and 30 units NPH morning and evening. Never a good idea to play with your insulin without guidance of a physician.
   — Gena L.

February 25, 2008
I came off right after surgery but I had to got back on for a couple of weeks, but I think we I go back to doctor I get to go off. Good lucky carman
   — carman

February 25, 2008
Hi Diane, To answer your question...that is a question for the Dr. that follows your diabetes. I got into a heated disagrement with a nutritionist several months ago. Seems she was talking about type 2 and I was talking about type 1. Type 1. can cut back but per my sister-in-laws Dr. she has been a diabetic since the age of 5yrs. She will never totally come off insulin. IF she had type 2 she would of come off meds several months after surgery. ALWAYS check with your Dr.s. The rest of us can only tell you what we have heard. I wish you well for your health and all live has to offer you on the road to a better life.
   — tootsie52

February 25, 2008
it depends on how regular your blood sugars are. for me, it was about 10 week and I went to a different kind before going completely off
   — Sheba

February 25, 2008
Hi, I wanted to add my 2 cents. The effects for me were immediate, but I have been diabetic for over 20 years and I was on massive doses of insulin around 300 units a day. I am now at about 65 units a day. The control is much better my A1c was around 8.5 and my last sugars had my A1c at 6.1. Good luck.
   — swaz

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