Gall bladder removal

I ask you people who have walked this road before me. I am 7 months out, and just had to have my Gall Bladder removed. (nine days ago) Before the gall bladder attack and removal.., I could eat anything, (in small portions of course) and suffered with chronic constipation. Now, everything makes me nausiated and goes right thru me. I now have diarreah all the time, and have finally found out what dumping is! I dumped on a bowl of steamed veggies, of all things! Question is...Does this last long? Or is it temporary. Any advise? Heeeellppp! Thank you all who take the time to answer! Lesleigh in Ga.    — lesleigh07 (posted on July 15, 2008)

July 15, 2008
Lesleigh, Just wanted to say I'm praying for you and I hope you feel better real soon. I had my gallbladder out in 1988 and I don't remember having diarrhea afterwards, you might want to call the surgeon that did it and ask if that's normal.
   — DEBI R.

July 15, 2008

   — William (Bill) wmil

July 15, 2008
Hello, Luckily I have not experienced the dumping syndrom and hope I never do. I am only 2 mo. out of lap rny.Howerver I have recently posted about chronic diarrhea that I'm still going thru. I had antibiotics for a root canal on 5/1/08 and then had wls on 5/28/08. I'm sure I had antibiotics then also. I failed to eat yogurt during that time and the antib. also killed all the good bugs in my instestines. Therefor I came down with a NASTY infection called C-difficille. Alot of times it caught in a hospital. It's difficult to cure. I hope this is not why you have diarrhea after your surgery but PLEASE check out this link to C-diff. If it is C-diff it could save your's or someone else's life who reads this. It sure opened my eyes. I wish you the best. Michele
   — helpmelord

July 15, 2008
Because you are having diarrhea and nausea frequently, and had symptoms after eating vegetables, I am questioning whether it is truly "dumping syndrome". I think you should go see your Doctor about this new development.
   — Gina S.

July 15, 2008
It may not have been the veggies. You now have bile flowing into your intestines all the time. That in itself is irritating. Also, you won't be metabolizing fats very well so be careful with the butter. The good news is that you are going to get better. As time goes on the common bile duct will start to act as a gall bladder to a small degree and you won't get so much dumping but for now just know things are going to be screwy for a few months to a year. I have this problems all the time. The idiot who did my cholecystectomy cut the common bile duct so I had to have a Roux en Y to reconnect it. I have bile leaking all the time and no chance of any kind of control. Watch the fats, know where the toilets are and carry your own toilet paper for emergencies.
   — GaryLGreen

July 16, 2008
Just wanted to say that I had my gall bladder removed almost 10 years before my RNY and for at least those first several years, every time I ate within 25-30 minutes I was back in the bathroom. I was thankful for a 60 minute lunch break at work because I would be in the bathroom everyday 30 minutes after I started my lunch. I talked to several people who had the gall bladder surgery like I did and they said they had the same reaction. Don't have this now though. I had more trouble with chronic constipation for the first year after my RNY (6/2003) -- ended up in the emergency room a couple of times with it. Take care and hope your body begins to settle down soon. Maggie
   — maggie1952

July 16, 2008
Hi Lesleigh, as you know I haven't had my surgery yet, but I wanted to let you know how sorry I am that you're going through this. I guess the nausea may be related to the surgery, especially if you're still on pain medication, but I doubt your diarrhea is truely dumping - doesn't sound typical. PLEASE call your surgeon (the one who removed the gallbladder first, then the bariatric one (if it's a different one) if you don't think the first is right, and let them know what's going on. The last thing you want is to get dehydrated!
   — obeseforever

July 16, 2008
I had my gall bladder out before my wls but I had the same problem. I was told because the gall bladder helps digest the fat or something like that and now without it your body doesn't work the same. It will should get better in time. At least mine did. I wish you luck.
   — Brenda R.

July 16, 2008
Dear Lesleigh I had my gall bladder removed 3 yrs ago. I have the very thing you are describing. I talked to my dr about it. He says what I have is dumping symdrone--since i am less than a month before my rny surgery. He said that nevres cause it too. He said there is a powder available to sprinkle on my food that "should" help but I prefer not to take it as much. I have found that the worse food makes me go more. Also he told me that going to a high protein diet causing diareha because alot of what is coming out is old fat (ie oil and grease). So no you are not alone. de
   — mcdes

July 18, 2008
Your digestive system needs a few weeks to adjust to the gallbladder being gone, and diarrhea will continue for a bit. I'm 5 months out and still have some diarrhea, although is mostly manageable by diet and I can live with it. I have to be very careful to not eat much fat, or i pay for it! btw, a gallbladder going bad can cause irritable bowel, and you may even find your system working better than before. but the constant diarrhea is normal right after the surgery and should improve soon
   — Susan C.

July 18, 2008
HI Lesleigh... I am still waiting for my RNY but I had my gallbladder removed almost 10 years ago (at age 18!) and have had the same symptoms as you since it has been removed. The doctor that will be doing my RNY when I asked if it would affect it said it was a fat intolerance.... but it happens everytime I eat or drink anything... so I guess that wasnt a very good answer sorry.. but you are not alone and I would push to find out what it is because it has made me a different person... I don't shop often because I am always in hte washroom, I don't visit many friends because I am embarassed about it... I dont work because I would get fired for being in the washroom all the time... it is not fun, so like I said I would really try to find out what it is and see if you can get help..
   — Terri-Lee P.

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