can anyone tell me what a Weigh Down Workshop is?

can anyone tell me what a weigh down workshop is , where i can find one and what they teach ? had my RNY bk in january and i feel like i am gaining wieght back . no confirmation on it though just how body feels .do not see my dr office untill feb 15th /08 .. helppppppppp me please!!!!!    — christina C. (posted on November 14, 2007)

November 13, 2007
Weigh Down Workshop is a bible-based weight loss group led by Gwen Shamblin. It focuses on cutting your portion in half and being in full obedience to God so that food never comes before Him and you don't use food to supply only what God can. Re your weight, I would get on the scale to get the real picture. It might not be as bad as you think, either way it looks like it's time to regain your focus. I wish you all the best and continued weight loss! Hugs, Jas
   — Jasmine130

November 14, 2007
Go to
   — [Deactivated Member]

November 14, 2007
"Weigh Down" started as a Bible based program and transformed into a near-cult status. Ms. Shamblin has developed a following that grew into a church where overweight people are shamed and shunned, and there is a very controlling hierarchy. In the group I attended, mental illness was referred to as a result of sin. She has been investigated for various allegations. I would never want to go back and would encourage you to avoid such an environment. You can find info online just by doing a search and find other stories.
   — Carlast

November 15, 2007
Before my RNY I did weigh down and it was very condemning. They teach a law based approach to weight loss. If you over eat then you are not living for God or loving God with all your heart. While that may be the case.. it is certainly not motivating in the least. I had all the tapes and books. I lost 30 lbs on it.. but it really twisted the way I looked at God. The program can push people towards anorexia.. I got to where I stopped eating and fasted a lot.. thinking that would prove to God I loved him more. Silliness!!! I did gain that loss back plus some. If your looking for a bible based weight loss program.. I would strongly recommend THIN WITHIN. They have a online program with a forum and a call in help line. I used it for 6 months and received a lot of healing and got a good grasp on WHY I was over eating. The root is so much more important then the action. Over eating is a symptom not a sin!! THIN WITHIN is a grace oriented approach to weight loss. It concentrates on GOOD Nutrition along with letting God fill those voids that food can not fill. I believe this study helped prepare me for my RNY. I've heard good things about Prism as well. It is more of a Atkins type diet... cutting out carbs and sugars and breaking the bodies addictions to these things.. and PRISM is all over the USA with different support groups available. I hope that helps! If you have any more questions.. feel free to contact me! I did loose with Thin Within too.. and have kept it off! :) -Shakeira
   — Hisdove

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