lap band performed one week ago and have diarrhea and cotton mouth??

i know the cotton mouth cannot be from lack of liquids because i drink more than 64 ounces a day....and i have this normal?    — jordanty (posted on July 2, 2008)

July 2, 2008
Hi Shannon, I had diarrhea for about 4 days after I got home from the hospital. I called my doctor and he told me to eat yogurt with acidophilus (spelling?) which really helped. But it still came back everyday. He finally took me off the protein drink and I was fine. Even though it was too soon, he also told me to eat chicken in very tiny pieces and to eat eggs to give me some protein. I still got the runs a couple of more times, but just occasionally....good luck!
   — joycemarra

July 2, 2008
no, I don't think the cotton mouth is caused by lack of fluids...more about effects from the anasthesia and/or pain meds in the hospital. It does go away however. Regarding diahrea...your body needs to adjust to many changes, all revolving around a different diet and a much smaller well as the shock to the body from surgery, anasthesia. Give it time to find it's rythm again. Of course if you're reading the post here you'll see that some people never get back to normal again and have all kinds of problems....I think that is the minority though. I had my bypass almost 6 months ago and I've been through the runs and then being constipated. I just kind of go with the flow however because I've lost 80 lbs. and I'm happy about that. Overall all I feel amazing and look so much better, but there is a huge adjustment to all the little changes in digestion as well as giving up your relationship with food. Good luck to have so much to look forward to.
   — cjjordan

July 2, 2008
I had cotton mouth too I talked to my doctor about it because I new I was getting my fluids in, He said it was from the antibiotics and to get something over the counter called Nystatin Wash, you dont need a prescription for it, but its behind the pharmacy counter most of the time. He said its kind of like having thrush. We are Army so we get out medications for free, by the time my doc called it in to my pharmacy (thats the only way for me to get it free) The feeling was gone. I had my surgery 2 weeks ago today. I would say it lasts about 10 days.
   — Kimberlin Katayama

July 2, 2008
Boy, can I relate. I had cotton mouth so badly for about a week after my surgery from the pain medicine and anti nausea medicine, I would actually wake up with my lips stuck together! ARGH! Obviously, it got better. The diarrhea, I am the exception, I still have it but not so badly. Right after surgery, I'm told it is from the antibiotics, your small intestine being cleansed and detoxed from clear liquids for a time and from massive dietary changes. Most WLS patients have constipation, I have diarrhea. I do have to watch my lactose intake (which is new). My surgeon tells me to consider myself lucky as I don't suffer with constipation. I take Immodium every now and then and it helps. I have learned and have recently heard this line in the movie "The Bucket List" to never trust a fart. Ooopsy! Good luck, it gets better, Welcome to the loser's bench, Dawn Vickers, RN, BLC, CLC
   — DawnVic

July 2, 2008
Congratulations on being banded! I was banded on April 29, 2008 and am thrilled with my results so far. I too had the cotton mouth and the diarrhea. I was told that the cotton mouth was from the anesthesia since I wasn't on any pain medications after the procedure. I also had the diarrhea and it lasted a couple of weeks, but then I got constipated for a few weeks. But now that I'm 8 weeks out and eating regular foods, things are getting back to normal for me. Good luck with your new journey in life - - it's a wonderful one!
   — Monte57

July 2, 2008
I had VSG but had a lot of diarrhea for the first 2 weeks until I started mushies. I think the cotton mouth might be from ketosis, maybe?
   — GlitterGal

July 2, 2008
Congrats on your band! I had mine June 23 and LOVE IT so far. When I got home from the hospital I had the cha-cha's for like 4 days and my Dr sent me to lab--just to make sure I didn't have a bug or anything like that. The very next day, it slowed down to nothing and I had a "movement" the following day and one more the next day etc. I think from reading the comments here is to really unexpect anywhich way but--even loose. I like what the one person said about not trusting a fart--good advise thanks. And good luck to all of us newbies. We got it!! YEAHHHHH!!!
   — snowlover

July 2, 2008
If part of your liquids is something like Crystal light, you may want to cut back on that and add more water instead. The artificial sweetners in the sugar free drink tend to cause that if you are drinking them in excess.
   — melcha

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