I will be 3 weeks post op on Tuesday. I have had so much pain in my lowerback

went in to mt family physcian thinking I had a kindey infection. It turns out I didn't.They said I was severely dehydrated and gave me 2 liters of fluid but no explanation for the pain? I have to go back and get 1-2 more liters this morning. The pain is now in my entire back and my my stomache hurts like it has never been. I am taking Gas X about 5 times a day, could that be the problem? I am in so much pain, I had to take tylenol with codiene has anyone ever experienced this before?? why can't I keep enough fluids down?? I am so frustrated I am in tears.    — morganjohnsonandfamily (posted on October 2, 2009)

October 2, 2009
i am 8 weeks out.i had a lot more back pain the 2st two did ease though.and being dehydrated made me feel down alot more like no energy and wieght came off is very hard to get in alot of fluids at first.i couldn;t and was hurt when i drank water from a bottle ,even small sips.i thought something was wrong but other rny patients said they did the at 8 week out it doesn't hurt anymore unless i forget and take a big gulp.i also am getting in more fluids wishes to you and hopefully u get some relief.but plz call your dr if you don't.
   — carolyn1970

October 2, 2009
I had severe pain in my lower back too, about three weeks post my WLS. I had sciatica, I was in so much pain that I had to sleep in a recliner. I went to the my Orthopedic Dr., he gave me a shot of cortisone, then I was good to go. Good luck
   — FSUMom

October 2, 2009
Hi there I am 2 yrs post op I also had a bad back ache its from layin on the table so long when they did ur surgery they probally turned u every which way the pain does go away and you will feel better the out come is awesome in 2 yrs LOL ,,Kaye
   — angelscentt

October 3, 2009
I had severe back pain during the first month or so and I found out that my adrenal gland was inflamed. I was losing weight fast and my body didn't know what was happening and is causes your adrenal glands to hurt very badly. It especially hurt at night and when I got up in the morning. I took Panothenic Acid which is one of the B vitamins and an herb mix for Adrenal support. It helped greatly. I also visited my chiropractor because as we lose weight our spine realigns and can be painful. I am 6 months out have lost 80 and recently had to have my back readjusted again to help and it made a big difference. You can get panothenic acid at GNC or places that sell herbal supplements. Natures sunshine has a web site where you can get good qauality natural products. I hope you feel better soon. Also dehydration will cause back pain and your adrenal pain so keep your fluids up. I drank decafinated iced tea that I sweetend with stevia and I found it easier to drink that water. I hope this helped a little.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

October 3, 2009
Have you made an appt with your surgeon to make sure nothing is wrong? Many times your family doc doesn't know what to do with WLS patients. My surgeon told me that if I have severe stomach pains to call him immediately. I have done that a couple of times. There are problems you could have with your stomach the family doc may not think about. I would suggest you call your surgeon immediately.
   — Dawn A.

October 4, 2009
I am 4 months out and I have experienced a lot of back pain since I had surgery. I agree with a previous poster - this is my spine realigning and not having to compensate for an extra 84 lbs, much of which was around my stomach. This same thing happened when I was pregnant with my son, and after I had him my back hurt for months as my spine was changing. I am going to have to find a chiropractor. Good luck!
   — stellarsan

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