I'm scheduled for surgery on the 23rd. Problem is I can't stop eating.

Did anyone else feel this way? I begin the liquid diet on the 18th. Problem is I'm afraid the doctor won't do my surgery if my weight is up.    — Linda C. (posted on July 14, 2009)

July 14, 2009
It does help to lose some of the weight pre surgery as well as the liquid diet. THis helps to shrink down the liver and makes more space for the surgeon to get to the stomach and do the procedure.
   — Libby R.

July 14, 2009
i had the surgery on june 8 and i lost the 20 pounds that the doctor asked for before but after the surgery he told me that my liver was still very fatty..when he did the kinda was a wake up call for maybe you are not ready or you need to think of the procedure...because my doctor you do 8 weeks after also of liquids...
   — jeanopat

July 14, 2009
I am scheduled for surgery on the 23rd as well.... and have been eating nonstop too..... I was not required to loose any weight before my procedure (I did however loose 30 pounds... yeah me..had to throw that in..) According to the nutritionist a lot of people feel this way.... one we are nervous.. and two don't know if you will be able to eat certain foods ever again.... just have to try and control it..... keep active... if you are burning some of the calories you are taking in then that will help.. and get you ready for surgery. I can't say that I have stopped... I still want to hit up a few restaurants.. but I do try to balance it out so I don't gain back any weight.... I walk 3 to four times a day... these are long walks (I have a dog so that helps).... I definitely think that I am ready for surgery, and for the lifetime committment.... but right know I am incredibly nervous and want to eat while I still can.... afterwards we can not.....we MUST stick to a just be careful.... I understand EXACTLY how you feel...
   — wendy-s

July 14, 2009
HI I think the issue really is that you are afraid that you will never be able to have these foods again. I had surgery on the 18th of Dec, bypass. The good news is that after the surgery, like a few months, you will be able to eat those foods, in moderation, again. You will also realize that they no longer hold the power that they once did. Your current favorites might no longer be your favs...Keep focused on the prize. First getting thru the surgery and then the journey to the new you. Good Luck...u can do it
   — elimeno

July 15, 2009
Tara made a great point. After surgery (I am 2 years post op) I had no desire for my favorite foods - pizza, sandwiches, pasta - but craved things I could not stomach before - yogurt, cottage cheese. It's really weird. My program would not operate on me if I gained any weight from the time I signed up to the date of surgery. I was not required to loose weight - just not gain it. Hang in there - it's worth it.
   — Muggs

July 15, 2009
I think a LOT of us go through that "saying goodbye to your old favorites" period just before surgery. I know I did, even though I was on a weight loss diet, and lost 27 pounds before surgery. I knew I could never have white pasta and alfredo sauce again, and stuffed crust pizza, and most forms of sushi, so I binged on them before the big day. But, the reality is that I don't miss them any more. Well, maybe I DO miss them, but I am so determined to make this work and to be healthy (and I am seeing fantastic results that I would NEVER have believed - like I am frustrated when something keeps me from getting to the gym to work out) - that I am finding new ways to make foods I wouldn't have touched before not only palatable, but actually something that I crave. You're in good company, and you'll do well if you keep in mind that it's easier for the doctor to maneuver around inside of you if there isn't a hummongus amount of fat around your organs. Blessings to you... and good luck on the 23rd!!
   — Erica Alikchihoo

July 15, 2009
Hi Linda. I felt the same way a few weeks ago. My surgery is on July 23 also. I was really nervous so I had to start focusing on other things to get my mind off of the surgery.I went and got new books, cleaned out my closets,and excercise twice a day. Now I am ok. Remember if our livers dont shrink enough they will have to cut us open. And that wont be good at all.Take it one day at a time. Drink your protein ,take your multivitamins ,and move everyday and you will be fine.We have one week left so make it count. Im in your corner.
   — tiawillb

July 15, 2009
I think for many people (or at least for me and people I talked to), once I knew my surgery date was close I freaked out a little and began eating everything in sight. It was very hard for me to understand why I would do that because I was uber-excited about finally getting to have surgery. To stop the behavior, I had to (1) figure out what all of the 1000 emotions were that I was feeling; (2) come up with a plan to ease into the liquid diet (I started by replacing one meal a day with a protein shake and cleaning out my apartment of foods that I liked to eat but that were not good for me); and (3) put up signs on my fridge and carry a card in my wallet reminding me that my goal was to eat healthy, that way I had constant reminders of why I had to do better than I was doing. I actually found the card in the wallet to be really helpful and still do it now when I feel like I am slipping need to be reminded of my goals. Good luck.
   — ads2e

July 15, 2009
FOCUS,FOCUS,FOCUS!!! remember why you are having this will be able to eat afterwards, just very small portions. Get busy and put your mind on other things-try not to think about the fact that you can only have liquids right now. This may sound kinda rude, but i don't mean it to be just the truth: if you can't stick to the liquid diet now before surgery, are you gonna have the willpower to follow the rules after surgery? just something to think about, because in order to be successful and stay healthy you will have to be strict and follow the rules after surgery. GBS is major surgery and you have to change your life to be successful with it. hope this helps and good luck with your upcomming surgery...Holly
   — RNlvnCARSON

July 15, 2009
Linda, congratulations on your upcoming surgery. I am still on the liquid phase as I am only eight days post-0p. The first couple of days on liquids are the worst. I also fought the lure of the "food demon" to eat everything I thought I would never be able to eat again. I was irritable and cranky, until I realized that if I couldn't control myself for a couple of weeks, how would I be able to suceed after surgery? When it was explained to me that in order to have surgery done (lap) instead of open, it is necessary to shrink the liver. The liver is inflamed by carbs. I did not want to have an open surgery. My decision was easy. I stopped grazing and began following a healthy way of eating. Honestly, it was rough, but I think it has helped me mentally after my surgery. You are not alone in this. Think about what is most important to you. Good Luck
   — medwards62

July 16, 2009
Relax your nerves and try to make sure you lose at least a few lbs. I was told at the seminar that if a patient don't lose at least 5 lbs during the 2 week liquid diet they would cancel the surgery because you should lose more than that but at least 5 is all they are requiring.
   — Papoose79

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