pain medicine

pain medicine    — T L. (posted on February 7, 2006)

February 6, 2006
Don't know what your question is. But when I have to take pain medicine I do so with a full stomach and nexium. If not, I have pouch pains big time!
   — Danmark

February 6, 2006
I take liquid Viodin. Not because of the WLS but because of all the bone pain I am in.
   — pettykash

February 7, 2006
nexium,prilesec,and prevesid are proton pump inhibitors, and are systemic, thus they work by being injested inthe body and and stoping the production of acid, the effect is the next day, "takeing with" your pain meds will have no preventive effect, waste your money. take malox instead. prilesec the day before. and not as a preventive for nsaids at all, it doesnt do that.
   — walter A.

February 9, 2006
What is your question about pain medicine?
   — Agrippina05

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