Caffeine in unsweetnd tea, should it be avoided?

Had RY on 10-6-09 and have lost over 70lbs so far but worried my drinking habits listed may stop or slow this down. Love drinking ice tea with sweet n low, is this something I should not do. Also is it ok to drink diet caffeine free soda. I struggle with water all of the time like to switch it up once in a while, what should I do.    — bubba1503 (posted on December 1, 2009)

December 2, 2009
NO to the soda of any type. The carbonation can cause you alot of pain, plus it can distend and stretch your new and healing pouch. Don't take the chance after being given this chance. Caffeine should be avoided, partly because it can irritate the stomach and partly because it is a diuretic, which means you have to drink more to make up for what the caffeine makes you urinate. You want to avoid dehydration, so at least for now, stay away from the caffeine. I drink Celestial Seasonings tea. It is caffeine free and they have tons of flavors to choose from. Good luck. By the way, congrats on the weight loss so far!
   — Dawn A.

December 2, 2009
Your tea is fine -- it is a bit acidic, so be aware of that. Also, it contains tanins, which inhibit the absorption of some vitamins and minerals, so you need to be super vigilant of this and keep an eye on your labs. And just for the proof about dehydration, there was a study: Conclusion The most ecologically valid of the published studies offers no support for the suggestion that consumption of caffeine-containing beverages as part of a normal lifestyle leads to fluid loss in excess of the volume ingested or is associated with poor hydration status. Therefore, there would appear to be no clear basis for refraining from caffeine containing drinks in situations where fluid balance might be compromised.
   — Andrea U.

December 2, 2009
Ok well im probably going to say something here that is going to be argued strongly and it is in no way meant to upset anybody. I have to tell you first of all congratulations on embarking on this journey and taking the first step to the rest of your healthy life also congrats on the amazing weight loss. Now i will tell you this caffeine in moderation is in no detrimental to your health nor your weight loss. The dangers i see are the sugar substitutes you are consuming stop it seriously STOP IT!!!!! You are killing yourself they are more detrimental to your health weight loss and general well being than you can ever imagine. Seriously don't lessen them or say maybe i will cut it in half just freaking stop it its poison plain and simple it is killing you and probably what made you gain weight in the first place and will continue doing so in sabotaging your wls. Now why do i say this there are numerous studies that show it causes all types of crazy cancers but besides that they contain aspartame and sucralose both of which are excitotoxins as is MSG. I know i sound like a crank and plenty of doctors would say im wrong and i have no medical training but the information is out there. All im saying is this you have went thru hell with this surgery believe me i know i had RNY on 4/20/09 and went from 425 lbs. to my current weight of 260 lbs. but it was only when i cut out diet this and artificial that bullshit that the weight started flying off daily and my energy levels skyrocketed. seriously i have not had a diet drink since i came back from the hospital and started doing my research online. I implore everyone on this site to check out the facts and stop drinking the kool aid (pun intended) lol. Just research excitotoxins and sugar substitutes this information will change your life. I didn't mean to lecture you or anything just looking out for the well being of my fellow people and trying to get the message out there. If you have any questions or anything else and wanna talk get at me at [email protected] best of luck in all your life's journey's and peace be onto you :)
   — JaVin70

December 2, 2009
Try Green tea. It is loaded with anti-oxidants and really good with sweet n low. It doesn't take long to get used to.
   — lesleigh07

December 3, 2009
the caffiene in tea has started to give me trouble. Many people handle it just fine so just listen to your body. No soda. It can fiz on you and the pain is terrible.
   — trible

December 3, 2009
I drink decaffinated iced tea during the day because I have a caffine intolerance. I drink tea with caffine in the morning and I am ok with that. I only use natural sweetners though. I use sun crystals which only have 5 calories and are stevia and pure cane surgar mixed. This has worked well for me. Taste great and none on the negative issues from other artifical sweetners. I used to use sweet & low because it was cheap but realized how bad it is for me and realized it gave me headaches. I too have a hard time drinking water so the tea works for me. Green tea and white tea are also good and great sources of antioxidents. I hope you continue to have great success.
   — Lisa von Wallmenich

December 3, 2009
No soda at all,the carbonation will cause your pouch to strength. I am not allowed to have caffeine until my 6th month.
   — FSUMom

December 3, 2009
I drink Arizona Diet Green Tea and Lipton Diet Green Tea and love both! They work for me very well! Congrats on your weight loss so far and good luck and good health for the future!
   — StlX

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